One of his hands cupped her cheek, his touch almost impossibly gentle as his fingertips feathered across her forehead and then her temple.
Their gazes met and something seemed to flow between them, an energy she didn't quite understand.
But she felt it.
It flowed through her, empowering her, mesmerizing her almost.
Her head dipped, Adam’s tilted up, but he didn't push her. Like he always did, he made sure that she knew the ball was firmly in her court.
That power was enough to have her lean in and press her lips to his.
As soon as she did, he took control of the kiss, his hands framed her face, his tongue swept into her mouth, and for the first time since she was a little girl, Jasmine really did believe that happy endings might be possible.
* * * * *
September 30th
1:28 P.M.
So, she was a little late, that was okay, so long as she turned up.
Adam would put up with anything from Jasmine. He knew that she was struggling and working hard to overcome her issues, but the one thing he couldn’t allow was his daughter being hurt.
Claire was his world, had been from the moment they found out Meredith was pregnant. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, and the only thing that could make him stop fighting for what he knew he and Jasmine could have was if she hurt his daughter.
Turning five was a big deal, and Claire had been excited to invite Jasmine. Even though he knew she struggled in groups of people she had agreed immediately. Over the last three weeks, he kept expecting to get a call or text from her telling him she couldn’t make it. Each time he picked her up to take her out on a date—sometimes just the two of them, other times they did things together with Claire—he was waiting for her to inform him she couldn’t do it.
But she never did.
He’d placed an enormous amount of trust in her. Jasmine might think he was the only one contributing to their slowly blooming relationship, but she would be wrong. She had her issues, yes, but he had a daughter he didn't trust just anyone to be part of her life.
Jasmine had what it took to be an amazing stepmom, and one day an amazing mom to their kids, but she had to believe it.
“Daddy, is Jassy coming soon?” Claire asked, appearing at his side.
In addition to their family, there were a dozen little girls from Claire’s school here as well. They had a bouncy castle, miniature golf, and even though the weather had started cooling down the kids had wanted to play in the pool. More than enough to keep a little girl happy and occupied, but his daughter kept coming to ask him if Jasmine was going to be here soon.
“Soon, honey,” he said, praying Jasmine wasn’t making him lie.
“What if she doesn’t come?” There was concern in his daughter’s eyes that he didn't like seeing there. She had taken to Jasmine immediately, and their relationship was growing alongside his and Jasmine’s.
Come on, green eyes. Don’t let me down.
As though his words conjured her out of thin air, Claire squealed and darted off toward the gate where Jasmine was standing, hovering nervously.
Adam grinned. He never should have doubted Jasmine. Even though she had issues, secrets she hadn't shared with him yet, she loved his little girl, he knew she did, and she was no coward. She’d fought for her life and killed her rapist. She wasn’t going to let a fear of crowds stop her from putting a smile on a child’s face.
Claire threw herself into Jasmine’s arms, and he could see her relax as she hugged the little girl.
“Happy birthday, sweet girl,” Jasmine was saying as he reached them.
“I thought you weren't coming,” Claire said, no hiding what they were thinking for small children.
“No way I would let my favorite girl down,” Jasmine said. There was a little guilt in her eyes that his daughter missed, enough to tell him she’d had to battle against herself to get here. But she was here, and that was all that mattered.
Next time he’d have to have more faith in her.
“Is that my present?” Claire asked, eyeing the bright pink box tied with purple ribbon.