
The call from Sloane came through at 10:55. “Alright, sweet cheeks – it looks like the party’s gonna be at the gasworks.”

Fiona frowned at me. Gasworks?

Later, I mouthed.

The gasworks were a rusted-out monstrosity on the edge of town – towers and walkways and pipelines once used to power the city, but long since abandoned to nature. Seattle has its own version, which was purchased by the city and turned into a park over 50 years ago. They painted parts of it, and planted lots of flowers and trees. Urban blight repurposed into a quirky public area.

Richards’ version, though, was just plain urban blight. Only junkies and teenage kids looking for trouble hung out there after dark.

It sat out in the middle of a flat stretch of desert. There was no way of sneaking up on it –perfect for drug buys and other activities where you didn’t want to be snuck up on.

Which was fucking inconvenient for me, since Lou would see and hear us coming a mile away.

“Did Lou tell you it’s at the Gasworks?” I asked.

“No, Dan did. His boys are pinging their cells, and they all stopped there just a few minutes ago. Lou told me to hang out near Gardner and Main, which makes sense, ‘cause it’s only five miles away – but he still wouldn’t tell me where it was going to be.”

“We going to see you there?” I asked.

“The DEA still comin’?”

“Soon as I call them.”

“Then FUCK NO.”

“Ha. What about Peters?”

“Ohhh, he’ll be there – with bells on.”


“Well… guess this is where I sign off.”

“Thanks, Sloane. For everything.”

“No problem, honey. Long as I get my territory.”

“If I know you, it won’t be a problem. Good luck.”

“Good luck to YOU – you’re the one who needs it.”

I stood there in silence. No matter what had happened between the two of us, we’d traveled a long road together. There were a lot of memories. Some of them bad, but some of them good.

“Bye, Sloane.”

“Bye, Jack,” she said softly, right before she hung up.

And that was it.



When I hung up with Jack, I swear, I was a little choked up. He was an idiot sometimes, like when he went off on his dumbass crusade to clean up the Riders – but he was my idiot. Or he used to be, anyway.