I said a little prayer that he’d make it out okay, then turned around to do business.

It was a strange sight to behold: a deserted parking lot with Tyler and forty Bastards straddling their bikes on one side, and Dan Peters and thirty squad cars on the other.

Two men on opposing sides of the law. And I’d fucked both of ‘em. Literally and figuratively, I guess you might say.

As far as the literal part went, hadn’t enjoyed either one. Figuratively, I’d enjoyed myself plenty.

I thought about all the lackluster sex I’d had to endure and said another prayer for Jack. Come on, now, God – you know losin’ a dick like that’d be a cryin’ shame.

“Alright, Dan, time to head ‘em up and move ‘em out,” I said as I walked over to his car in the glare of the Harleys’ headlights.

Dan eyed the Bastards nervously. He knew I was shacking up with Tyler, and considering what we’d done last night, he wasn’t exactly stupid to be sweating right about now.

“What are you going to do?” Dan asked.

“We’ll play backstop,” I said. “While you run in and grab the meth, we’ll hang back and wait. If they run for it, we’ll be there to mop up.”

“About the money – ”

I’d flashed the cash last night, but I hadn’t let him get his grubby little hands on it.

“Unh-unh-unhhh, money afterwards. I pay on delivery, buddy.”

“But – ”

“Don’t be greedy. I already gave you a taste of the good stuff.”

His eyes dropped to my rack. He just couldn’t help himself.

“…alright,” he said, before looking nervously at the Bastards.

“Go on, now. Git,” I said. “Time to get this show on the road.”

He got in the car.

“Will I see you again soon?” he whispered – like Tyler had Bionic Man hearin’ or somethin’.

“Get Momma her stash, an’ we’ll hook up again real quick,” I purred with a wink.

He grinned like a damn fool, cranked the engine, and tore off. All the other squad cars peeled out after him.

“Jackass,” I muttered under my breath as I waved.

Then I walked back over to my bike next to Tyler’s.

He was not happy. His forehead was all bunched up like an angry toddler’s.

“I don’t understand why you’re so friendly with a fuckin’ pig,” he said.

I straddled my bike. Only big thing I’d had between my legs in the last 24 hours.

“Cuz like I told you, I had to make him think we’re on the same side.”

“But you’re not – you’re gonna let him walk off with that meth, you said so – ”

“Don’t try thinkin’, honey, you’ll hurt yourself.” I raised my voice so everybody in the gang could hear me. “Alright – back to Phoenix, you Bastards!”

I did enjoy calling my men ‘bastards.’ One of the perks of the club name.