I could tell he was thinking along the same lines now, although he and I both knew the reasons I couldn’t pull the trigger were vastly different. This time, it was all about emotional attachment.

Do you need me to take care of this for you? he asked with a glance.

“It’s fine,” I reassured him.

He raised one eyebrow like, You’re sure?

“Fiona and I are… we’re working on it. But there’s something else.”

“Really,” he said in the driest voice imaginable. Sort of like, I’m not sure I can take any more.

“Eddie Deacon’s an undercover DEA agent,” I said.

Kade leaned his head forward and his entire forehead wrinkled, his eyebrows shot up so high.

I wanted to joke, Don’t have an aneurysm, man, but now really wasn’t the time.

“You’re fucking with me,” Kade said.


“Jesus Christ.”

“Yeah. And we’re meeting him tomorrow morning at ten to see if we can work with him.”

Kade stared at me. Anybody else would have thought he was just caught off guard and looking at me blankly, but I knew that expression was his version of unmitigated horror.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” he asked after about ten seconds of silence.

“No. But if I don’t do anything, he’s going to take down the entire club. According to what Fiona said, Eddie hinted that Lou’s doing something we don’t know about – probably some sort of drug operation. And the DEA wants to hang all of us for it.”

“What if we exposed Eddie?”

“No. We do that, and Lou would kill him. And if not Lou, somebody else.”

“Not like he wouldn’t deserve it.”

“Maybe, but I don’t want his blood on our hands. I know I asked you to do a lot of shit three years ago, but we were trying to cut ties and get on the straight and narrow. We’ve been clean for over two years now, and I’m not going back on that just to save our hides. Not to mention the DEA will come after us even harder if anything happens to Eddie.”

Kade nodded the slightest bit. “…yeah, that’s true.”

“The only play I can see is to cut a deal where they go after Lou and a handful of other guys, and leave most of the club alone.”

“…I don’t know, man.”

That was his way of expressing a shit-ton of fear.

“It’s the only way out I can see.”

Kade looked off into the darkness. “I could take Lou out.”

I knew he didn’t want to look in my eyes when he said it.

“I appreciate that, but no. Unless you killed ten other guys at the same time, they’d just come after us anyway. And I’m pretty sure Lou’s got Secret Service-level security around him 24/7, in case we try to come after him. No… he’s more valuable to us alive. If he’s dead, the DEA doesn’t have anybody to scapegoat.”

Kade nodded, then finally looked at me again. “You want me to go with you tomorrow?”

“No. If shit goes wrong and you don’t hear from me within 24 hours, get the fuck out of town. Go to Mexico and wait it out.”