“Be there in fifteen.”

When I heard his motorcycle out in the driveway, I left the office and walked into the den. Fiona was standing there holding her .38, looking nervous as hell.

“It’s Kade,” I said, and opened the door.

“Oh,” she said, embarrassed.

“Keep watching your show,” I said as I opened the front door. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

I walked down the driveway just as Kade was just getting off his bike.

“What’s up,” he said.

“I thought I should fill you in on the plan.”

“Okay,” he said, not bothering to comment on my paranoia.

“I hired Fiona’s boss to help out. He’s staying somewhere outside of Richards, so Lou won’t know in case his guys are watching us.”

“He’s good?”

“He seems pretty sharp – although he also seems like he’s a few fries short of a Happy Meal.”

“Sharp how?”

“He thinks those two fake Santa Muertes were hired by Lou.”

Rarely do I ever see any hint of emotion on Kade’s face. This was one of those times. He raised his eyebrows slightly – which for him was the equivalent of shouting What the FUCK?!

All he said, though, was “Really?”

“Yeah, and I gotta agree with him. It makes sense.”

Kade looked off into the distance and frowned. I could tell he was thinking it through. He finally said, “Except for the part about shooting Benjy, and not you and me.”

“Yeah, that’s the only part we can’t figure out. But I think the old man’s probably right.”


“There’s more.”


“Before all that shit went down at the Roadhouse, Fiona was blackmailed into being an informant for the DEA.”

Kade’s eyebrows went up even further. He was really overreacting today.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“Yep. Remember that night Roach disappeared? The DEA got him.”

“How do you know that?”

“Fiona saw it go down.”

Kade’s eyes flickered towards my house, then back at me. He wasn’t a Sergeant-at-Arms anymore, but he still thought like one.

He’d cleaned up some particularly nasty shit for me when I first became president. He’d never done anything I hadn’t done myself back in the day, back when the Midnight Riders were outlaws and criminals. The difference was, Kade had done it so I could take the club legit. He’d pulled the trigger a couple of times when I wasn’t able to, mostly because of politics and appearances. I couldn’t exactly preach to the club about staying inside the law and then go out and do some of the things Kade had done on my behalf.