Over at the door, two police officers dragged Kade in, his hands cuffed behind his back and shackles around his feet. Another cop dragged in Fiona, kicking and screaming, her hands cuffed behind her, too.

This had been planned.

It had all been planned.

Lou had pulled his ‘Gandhi.’ I’d just expected the punch to be leveled at me – not at my best friend and the woman I was falling for.

The cops forced their prisoners into kneeling position – execution style – and two gang members took over with guns pointed at Kade and Fiona’s backs.

Kade was stoic as always. He glanced over at me, and though there wasn’t much emotion on his face, I could tell he was saying, I’m sorry.

Fiona stared at me in desperation, tears streaking her cheeks.

The look on her face broke my heart.



Jack looked absolutely stricken – but there was nothing he could do. A Midnight Rider I’d never seen before had a gun at the back of his head.

Oh God, I really was going to die like Ali, with a bullet to the back of my head.

We were all going to die. Me, Jack, and Kade.

“Good work, guys,” Lou said, handing a fat envelope to one of the cops in exchange for a pair of handcuff keys. “Tell Dan I appreciate it.”

The officers nodded and walked out the door. Only one cast a worried look back at me and Kade.

Lou walked slowly, circling around behind me. One heavy footstep every couple of seconds… clack… clack… clack… until he was right behind me, and I couldn’t see him anymore. But I could sense him.

He just stood there, silent.

The suspense was maddening.

Finally he spoke. “I got it on good authority that the DEA, or the FBI, or somebody was doing shit in Richards last night. Same timeframe as the shooting at the Seven Veils. It seems odd to me that all these problems started in the last couple of days… just when this little lady got to town.”

He tapped me on the top of my head, which startled me because I couldn’t see it coming. Tap… tap… tap.

I writhed away from his touch, repulsed and afraid.

“Now, for those of you brothers not in the know, little miss Fiona here is the designated fuck for Jack Pollari. President Pollari to you and me,” Lou said mockingly. “He ordered me to give her a job, which set her right up in Midnight Riders central. Now, it’s pretty common knowledge that me and Jack don’t exactly see eye to eye. He knows my opinions on the direction he’s leading the club, and I’m betting he thought I might do something about it. So he started spying on me, and he was using his piece of snatch to do it.”

My stomach turned to hear Lou say that. It was the first I’d ever considered that possibility – that Jack was using me as a pawn.

Just like I’d been using him.

Before I started falling in love with him.

“You fucking piece of shit!” Jack yelled at Lou, almost frothing at the mouth with rage, but the guy behind him pressed the gun against Jack’s head.

“Ah, ah, ahhhh,” the gunman said.

Jack gritted his teeth and didn’t say anything else.

Lou continued. “But Jack’s judgment was spectacularly poor, because he put a DEA agent up my ass. How do I know, you ask? I sent Roach over to find out the truth last night. To ‘question’ her. He tells me he thinks there’s a guy in her room, then he hung up the phone and never called back. Now he’s AWOL. Can’t get ahold of him at all. I don’t care how tough she is – I don’t see a cute li’l thang like Jack’s wannabe baby mamma here takin’ out Roach. Do you guys?”

A lot of the Midnight Riders were really worked up. Most shouted ‘Hell no!’; others just looked around like they were terrified to see where all of this was heading.