“I saw Roach leave the room!” Jack yelled. “He shot at me before he drove off on his Bonneville!”

The entire crowd was buzzing now.

“You saw him?” Lou asked.


“You saw his face? Beyond a shadow of a doubt, you know it was Roach?”

Jack hesitated, and that hesitation was deadly.

“Little dark, was it?” Lou asked in a fake kindly voice.

“It was Roach,” Jack insisted.

“Whatever. So, anyway, I voiced my concerns to Jack here, but he just went soft. Tried to call Roach off before he disappeared. And then said he’d ‘ask’ Fiona if she was a government agent.” Lou looked around the room. “I don’t know about any of you fellas, but I never heard of a government agent just givin’ up the goods because you asked them nicely if they were undercover. So I thought I would do a little asking myself.”

Oh God, I thought, my stomach turning.

I looked up into the crowd, searching for faces.

Eddie, where are you?

There he was, in the back corner of the room, in the shadows. I could see his hand under his jacket, like he was ready to pull a gun.

He looked at me. I couldn’t see his eyes in the shadows, but I saw him shake his head very slightly.


I wanted to scream at him, to curse him, but that would be futile. If Lou found out he was DEA and that I knew, we were both dead.

Suddenly I felt the muzzle of a gun press briefly against the back of my head before pulling away.

“STOP IT,” Jack yelled.

“You said I could question her if you were present, Jack. And I won’t lay a finger on her… just a bullet, maybe. So let me ask you, Fiona – are you a federal agent?”

“No,” I said, trying to be as steady and angry-sounding as I could.



“Not DEA? Not FBI?”


Just inches away from my ear, Lou cocked the revolver.


“You sure?”

“LOU – ” Jack shouted.

“I’m not talking to you, Jack,” Lou interrupted, his voice as cold and sharp as a frozen razor. “I’m talking to Fiona.” He directed his voice back to me. “So – are you sure?”

I started to tremble. “I’m not a federal agent, I swear.”