Silent tears trickled out of my closed eyes.

He stopped rocking inside me and asked with concern in his voice, “Are you okay?”

I opened my eyes, smiled sadly, and nodded ‘yes’ as more tears trickled down my cheeks.

“Was it before? When we were… being rough?” he asked, his brows knit together as he stared into my eyes, searching for an answer.

I shook my head ‘no.’

“Just… make love to me,” I whispered, and reached up to kiss him.

He continued, and despite it being difficult, I blocked out all the thoughts that were gnawing at my conscience. I shut them all out and lost myself in the sensation, in the pleasure, in anything that would blot out the knowledge of how I was lying to him.

I didn’t come, though. I couldn’t.

He kissed me deeply as he came, and looked into my eyes.

I wondered if he saw me for what I truly was.



Iknew something was wrong. Knew it. But I believed her when she told me she wasn’t DEA or any other kind of government agent. She was telling me the truth.

But something was wrong.

As we made love – and that’s what it was this time, making love – she was distracted. Out of it.

I could see the wheels turning. The lights were on, but nobody was home.

Was she worried about Lou?

Was she pissed I’d lied to her?

Was she terrified? Had the shock of the last 24 hours finally set in?

I didn’t know. I just knew that something was wrong.

And then things got worse.


Igot the call from Lou as we were lying there in bed afterwards. I had been about to ask her what was wrong when I heard the distinctive ring tone from the next room. My guts tightened.

“I’ll be back,” I said as I got up.

She immediately reacted in fear. “Who is it? Is it Lou?”

“Don’t worry. I got this,” I said, and walked out naked into the main room.

I answered the phone. “Lou.”

“So. What’s the verdict on our mole?”

“She’s not.”

“And how do you know?”