“I asked her. I believe her.”

It sounded idiotic to me even as I said it. I’m sure it sounded even worse to Lou.

“Oh, you ASKED her. You BELIEVE her. Well, that’s good enough for ME.”

“You want to question her yourself, fine. But I’m going to be there, and you’re not going to lay a fuckin’ finger on her.”

“We’ll save that conversation for another day. Right now, we got somethin’ fucked up brewing. I’m calling in the entire club for a meeting at the Roadhouse.”

My suspicions immediately went into overdrive. “What’s going on?”

“Not something I wanna talk about over the phone, given your girlfriend’s possible connections, if you know what I mean.”

I gritted my teeth. “I’m the one who calls meetings.”

“No time for protocol on this one, Jack. Shit is going down NOW.”

“What time?”


“Fine. See you soon.”

I hung up the phone and immediately called Kade.


“You got the call yet about the meeting?”

“Yeah, Spider texted me.”

“I need you to skip the meeting and get over here immediately.”

“You got it.”


Kade stood in the kitchen. I was dressed and ready to head out. Fiona was dressed and stood next to me.

“Why?” she asked me.

“Because this is a classic play to get me away from you. I leave, and suddenly ten of Lou’s goons show up.”

“Why can’t I go with you?”

“What, so I can take you right to him?”

“Alright, dumb question,” she admitted.

“I need you out of town, at least until this is all over.”

“But I’m not with the DEA,” she protested.

“Lou doesn’t believe that, and his idea of a lie detector test is a couple of Rottweilers. I need you to go with Kade and lay low until all this is over.”

She sighed, looked at my impassive Sergeant-at-Arms, and then nodded in resignation.

I kissed her. “It’ll be fine. You’ll see.”