“I’m thinking the Santa Muertes,” he said.

“Jesus,” I whispered, just for effect. I knew he was wrong.

Although, to be honest, the idea that it was completely plausible that another group of psychopaths could have broken in here and done the same thing?

Pretty goddamn chilling.

“Which is why I want you over at my place,” Jack said.

“No argument here.”

Except there was. In fact, there were plenty of arguments.

For one, I didn’t know how much Jack knew.

And depending on how much he knew…

…I might just be walking into the lions’ den.



Fiona was a fantastic liar, I’ll give her that.

Or she was completely innocent, and Lou was one hundred percent wrong.

Either way, it was seriously fucking with my head.

We drove up to my place as the sun was rising. I got her situated inside, with her two suitcases stashed in the corner of my bedroom.

I hugged her close.

As I did, I imagined I was holding a wild animal that could bare its fangs any second and try to gut me.

I didn’t want to believe that.

But I was the tiniest bit concerned.

“You okay?” I asked.

“No,” she whispered.

“It’ll be alright.”

She hung onto me. “Don’t go.”

I liked feeling her latch onto me tighter.

“I have to… got to go talk to the police and see Benjy. But I’ll be back soon.”

I kissed her – enjoyed kissing her –

– but couldn’t shake the feeling that I was toying with a cobra.

I walked out of the house and got on my bike.
