I started violently sobbing.

Jack misunderstood. I’m sure he thought I was just freaking out over seeing my possessions violated, my life in disarray.

He came in and encircled me from the back with his big, strong arms.

“Hey,” he whispered into my ear. “Hey.”

I started to calm down. Just from the warmth from his body… the safety of his presence…

As my brain started to function again, I realized that if I couldn’t find the photo album, Eddie must have it. I stopped hyperventilating and made the decision to contact him. Later.

I stood there, surrounded by the wreckage of my life, and gradually came back to sanity with Jack’s arms wrapped around me from behind.

“Did you… did you call the police?” I asked feebly.

“No. In fact, I made sure they won’t come.”

Best possible case scenario – but I was a little shocked to hear it. “Why not?”

“I thought you wanted to avoid the cops. Your past…?”

Oh yeah.

It was hard to remember all my lies.

“…how did you…?”

“I bribed the manager. Lou owns the motel, so he’ll take care of the damages.”


Owns the motel.

I started shaking.

It was like I’d stumbled into the spider’s web without even knowing it. I’d been sitting in the web for days, not even knowing that the spider was just waiting… biding his time…

Not to mention there was a certain black humor to it all.

After all, it was Lou’s fault the place had been trashed. If Roach hadn’t broken in, Eddie wouldn’t have had to make it seem like Roach had searched it.

So it was only right that Lou was going to have to pay to get it all back to normal.

Karma’s a bitch.

And when karma happens to other people, she’s the most hilarious bitch ever.

If you’re in the right frame of mind, that is.

If you’re not, she’s just a bitch no matter what.

“Who would do this?” I murmured.

I had asked that earlier over the phone, but I knew exactly who. Lou had sent Roach, who had been stopped by Eddie, who had then faked the entire thing.

I just wanted to know if Jack knew.

If he didn’t, then he was a damn good liar.