He is about to start yelling again when I say, "So why are you here? At your trashy secret sex apartment where you take all your hookers instead of at home being a dad?"

His brows shoot up in shock and anger. His entire body goes rigid, and he clenches his jaw. I can see I have hit a nerve. He glares at me for a few more moments and I stand calmly watching him; then he just turns around and walks away, slamming his own apartment door behind himself. Gosh. That went well.

I take a deep breath and close the door to my own apartment. I hope that none of the neighbors heard any of that. I really don't want to cause issues here. I really like this apartment.

Back inside my own apartment I stare at the half-prepared cereal and find that I am not even hungry anymore. I pour myself another glass of wine and go and sit on my big comfy sofa, dialing my mom; I want to see if I can get some insight on who Lennox really is. Which one of the personalities he has shown me is the real one?

The surgeon? The asshole? Or the dad?

"Hi, Honey." My mom's cheerful voice sings on the other side of the phone line.

"Hey, Mom. How are you and Dad doing? I miss you guys." I do miss them. We are a really close family and I have not had time to go and visit them since starting this job. "Oh, we are good. All the usual on this side. More importantly, how is your new job going? Are you blowing everyone's minds with how brilliant you are?" I laugh. Always the cheerleader, my mom. "Yup. I think I am doing really well. I am loving the experience and the other nurses I work with are so wonderful. They are all so friendly and have been helping me adjust to everything."

"That's so amazing, honey. And Lennox? Your dad was asking how he is?"

This is my opportunity to ask some questions without seeming like I am trying to pick her brain for some reason. I do not want to let on that I am having issues with Lennox as my boss, but I want to find out whatever I can.

"When did Dad last see him?"

"Oh, it's been a while. I guess when you get older you get busier, but they are still close and talk on the phone often."

"Oh, that's great. I didn't know he had a son. I just found out today."

"Yes. I think his son is almost - what - maybe twelve or thirteen now. He's been a great dad even though he does not have full custody. He shares custody with the mother. But they aren't in a relationship or anything. Pity, I really wish he would stop all this messing around he does with women and settle down with someone nice. He is a sweetheart when he isn't being an idiot."

I laugh at my mom's description of him. A sweetheart when he isn't being an idiot. Well so far, I've seen mostly idiot.

"Ok, so he broke up with the mother of his son?"

"Oh, I don't even think they dated, honestly. I think it was a one-night stand, an accident. But at least he didn't abandon the boy. I mean I don't think he would have. He can be a real softy when it comes to the people he loves. He takes his son to all the big sports games in town. They collect sports memorabilia together - it's kind of their thing. It's quite cute as he gets really excited whenever he gets something new. Anyways - that's why your dad and him are so close. He has a good heart. He has always been so helpful with your dad through his health issues. supportive as a friend and a doctor."

I nod quietly, wondering why he is acting like such a ruthless person, and why he has to be so rude to me when my mom seems to think he is a sweetheart.

Her words interrupt my thoughts. "Well, are you having a good time working with him? Has he asked about your dad?"

"Oh" I laugh "He didn't recognize me."

"What?" My mom's surprise is clear by the tone of her voice. "And what did he say when you told him who you were?"

I laugh again. "I decided not to, Mom. I just thought - I don't want the other nurses to think that the reason I got the job is because he is a family friend. You know I worked hard for this position - politics can get in the way of a good working environment."

"Oh, yes - I guess I can understand that. But perhaps you should at least give him a heads up? I mean I can't believe he doesn't recognize you. Although you have kind of grown up so fast, turning into a beautiful young woman so quickly. I miss my little girl." She laughs, "But I am proud you of, honey."

"I love you too, Mom. Please won't you give Dad a big hug for me? I miss you guys so much. As soon as things settle down, I am going to come over for dinner. Just finding my feet here at the new place."

"We know, Em. Just give us a call anytime."

We say goodbye and I hang up the phone feeling nostalgic and missing home. My parents are such beautiful people. I guess I should not be surprised to hear that Lennox has a soft side for those he loves, because I cannot picture my parents being friends with someone cold and ruthless like he is playing at being.

I guess he is just a different man at work. Maybe I should not be so hard on him. He has helped my dad a lot and has been very supportive. Maybe I should ease up on him and give him a chance to prove that he is anything but the asshole that he has shown me. I sigh, sipping on my wine and starting to feel a little peckish again. I am so not in the mood for cereal, but I guess it is what it is. I walk unenthusiastically towards the kitchen. I will have this snack and then I had better go to bed. Another early morning tomorrow and then finally my first day off. Lennox has been giving me so many extra hours, working overtime. At least I should get a good paycheck at the end of this month, so thanks for that, Lenny. I chuckle. It is always better to look at the positive side of things.



Ido not usually go to the nurses' break room for lunch, but I find that I want to see what Emma is up to. I can't get her out of my thoughts and even though she is driving me completely crazy I am beginning to find her feisty attitude and her unwillingness to back down quite appealing. She is kind of like me in that way, set in her ways, and very focused on her work. She is a brilliant surgical nurse, actually, the best I have ever worked with. I admire that, whether I want to or not. She is not afraid to speak her mind and still, she has not given in to my flirty comments. After the incident outside her apartment and denying that she had anything to do with the report against me, I decided to keep playing it cool with her, even if I haven't backed down on the flirting. If she wants to insist that it was not her who complained, even though I have no doubt that it was, then I will keep flirting.

Emma is sitting at a big table with a bunch of other hospital staff. She fits in so easily. I know they are all very fond of her; I guess it is impossible not to be.