I smile. "Lucky for me I don't make mistakes, hey?"

Natasha laughs and waves her hand at me. "Yes, so far you have been a star. But I am telling you. I've seen nurses running out of here crying their eyes out. He is ruthless about the standard of operation on his surgeries, and he takes no prisoners. So, whatever it is he thinks you did - well - just watch your back is all I can say, ok?"

"Thanks for letting me know, Tash. I will be sure to be on my best behavior." I wink at her. Feeling happy that I managed to get under Lennox's skin a bit as he has been driving me crazy with his constant flirting. He did not seem to understand that my reluctance to flirt back was genuine and not an invitation for him to try harder. It was getting annoying and opening a complaint against him was a last resort for me. But honestly, I did not want anyone to know I had done it. My plan is to stay under the radar on this one and just deny any rumors that pop up that I was the one who opened the case against him.

He is a brilliant surgeon. I am learning so much during his surgeries. I do not want to lose this opportunity - so I had better play it safe today and just stay out of trouble as best I can with Dr. Blake.

The surgeries booked for today go very well and without incident. Dr. Blake glares at me whenever I glance his way, but I ignore it and act as though I know nothing. He makes a snarky comment at one point about me flirting with a male nurse in the break room. I ignore that too. When we are out of surgery, I am quick to get out of his way and try to stay invisible in general, avoiding him unless it is required that I see a patient alongside him. The day drags by and by the time I get home, I am absolutely shattered.

I walk into my apartment and dump my bag on the floor - too tired to even bother unpacking it. I need a hot bath and a glass of wine to unwind and then I will think about dinner.

The hot bubble bath eases my aching muscles wonderfully and the wine takes the edge of the day off. I feel the stress and worry wash away and I can start relaxing a little.

Eventually, reluctantly, I climb out of the bath and dry off, slipping into my beautiful silk gown with my hair tied up in my usual not-at-work messy bun.

I open the fridge and glare at the emptiness. Dammit. I really need to go shopping. How do people find time to do all these things in between work? I must use that grocery delivery app Jason was telling me about at work this morning. He just orders food on the app and sets the time it should be delivered to his place. It sounds like exactly what I need.

I guess I am having cereal for dinner again. Tomorrow I will have something healthy for lunch. I can't abuse my body all day working it to the bone and then not eating healthy. It is so easy to slip into bad habits when you are tired after work.

While I am busy fixing a bowl of cereal there is a loud banging at my door. I jump in fright. Good heavens what now?

I open the door to see Lennox standing there and my heart sinks. Oh no. I am much too tired for this. He looks furious. He looks sexy as sin too, but right now that is the least of my concerns.

"Lennox. What are you doing here?" I sigh deeply annoyed that he is invading my private space. It is one thing to have to deal with him at work, but now in my own home. I am not impressed.

"Emma. I know it was you. You don't even have to say anything. It is obvious; you are the only one stupid enough to play me like that behind my back." He is shouting.

"What are you talking about, Lennox?" I play it safe.

"The harassment report." He shouts again.

"Keep your voice down. Have some respect for the neighbors."

"Respect? Are you kidding me? You don't know the meaning of respect. I swear if I have any further issues with you, you are done. Do you want your job? Do you like your job?"

"I love my job. It's a pity my boss is such an asshole though." Shit. I should not have said that. But I do not stop there; my stupid mouth keeps running itself, "I wonder what the board would think if they found out my boss was making private house calls at his nurse's home after hours?"

His eyes shoot open. The horror in his expression is unmistakable.

"You really are a b… grrrrr. You have gone too far. How dare you? "

His phone begins to buzz in his pocket. I roll my eyes and sigh in relief as he takes it out and slides the screen to answer. He keeps his bright blue eyes locked on mine in fury.

"Danny, how are you, my boy?" He says calm and friendly. Finally, he turned his back on me.

"Yes, buddy. I know. I've had a good day. You?"

He laughs and I realize he is speaking to his son. I didn't know he had a son. He is not married so that makes him a single dad and listening to him speaking now I can tell he has a good relationship with his kid too - laughter echoing back at him from the other side of the phone.

"Yes, kiddo - are you ready for the weekend? I'm going to pick you up early."

He chats a bit more making plans with his boy. I watch him closely, a little in awe seeing this gentle side of him that I had no idea existed.

How can he be this sweet, loving father and a brilliant surgeon and still find the time to be a total dick head?

I shake my head.

When he is done with the call, he slips his phone back into his pocket and stands over me, clearly trying to intimidate me. I lean against the door frame and cross my arms, glaring back up at him.