She starts to wiggle away from me and unwraps her legs from around my waist. Her feet are back on the ground. My cock still pressing against her body with need.

She steps to the side, out of my grasp. "I can't - "She says, breathless. She quickly puts her pants back on. Grabs her bag and her top and runs out of the locker room in her bra. Desperately trying to get her arms through her top as she disappears around the corner. Fuck.

"Fuck." I say out loud in sheer frustration. Staring down at my cock. I can't even run after her. Nor should I. This was such a stupid thing to do at work. I quickly get dressed, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. I need to get home and have an ice-cold shower.

I can't get the images of her body out of my head. The curve of her neck down to her collarbone. The arch of her back. Fuck. I want her.

As the minutes tick by and I pull myself together I realize the huge risk I have just taken. It is so incredibly stupid of me to pull this move, never mind that I did it at work where anybody could've walked in and caught us.

I need to be more careful. This cannot happen again.



The next day at work I am feeling more and more frustrated. In surgery, it is impossible not to be close to Lennox and every time my body brushes against his I feel sparks run through me, picturing him without his shirt on, his muscular chest, his thick arms wrapped around me. This is so bad. He is my father's best friend. He is my boss. I would hate for my dad to find out what happened between us yesterday. Thank goodness I managed to stop it. It had taken every ounce of my willpower to stop that, because in that moment all I wanted was to feel him inside me. I shake my head, angry with myself for letting any of this happen.

Stop thinking like this. I lecture myself. He is your boss. Your dad's best friend. He is almost double your age for crying out loud.

But so fucking hot. I take a deep breath in and slowly let the air out, trying to pull myself together. This is more frustrating than I could ever have imagined.

This stupidity will cost me my job if I don't manage to get it under control. He is my boss. The hospital has strict rules. I will one hundred percent lose my job if anyone finds out and then how would I ever find a new one. No one will consider hiring a nurse who got fired for sleeping with her boss. Lennox will lose his job as well and he will hate me for it. Never mind my parents finding out and my dad will probably be furious at Lennox and me - nothing, absolutely nothing about this is good.

I sigh. Two more surgeries to get through today. Two more times I have to stand close to Lennox, smelling his cologne - I can do this. I just need to stop focusing on his body. Shit, it is nearly impossible.

I wish I could go back to viewing him as that arrogant asshole and nothing else. Life was actually easier back then. I chuckle at the thought. Imagine wishing your boss was an asshole. Well - it would be better than this. I have not felt sexual frustration like this since - actually, I have never felt sexual frustration like this. I need it to end.

Sitting in the break room I glance at my watch. My break is over. Well, I guess it is time to head back into the surgery room again. I roll my eyes in annoyance. Get a hold of yourself, girl. I tidy up my lunch plate and head towards the sink to wash my hands.

We are busy prepping the patient when one of the other scrub nurses comes into the room. "Dr. Blake isn't responding to his pager. We've called him a few times. It is so not like him to be late."

That's odd. She is right. He has not been late a single time since I've started working here. He was here this morning and I know he felt the same frustration I felt being so close to him. Is it possible that - no, it can't be? Can it? I hope he is not avoiding me because of what happened. Surely not? Surely, he would not put his job at risk just to avoid me. His patient is here waiting for him; he is the most professional man when it comes to his patients.

We continue to prep the patient for surgery, glancing around us, thinking that at any moment he is going to rush in.

Time begins to drag out and the stress amongst all the nurses begins to rise. My nerves begin to grate deeper and deeper. This is bad.

The patient has been waiting for over an hour and we are running out of excuses.

All of us have left her to rest in her room, none of us want to face her questions about when surgery will start anymore. Eventually, a nurse whom I have not met before comes in and whispers something about Dr. Blake being in an accident. "An accident?" I say quietly, pulling her aside.

"Yes, I just heard one of the orderlies talking about it. I don't know if it is true or not. He left during lunch; I mean that's not uncommon. Some of the doctors go to the gym at lunchtime, but he has not come back, and they can't reach him. I heard some people talking about how he was in a car crash."

My heart is in my throat hearing her words. "But it is only a rumor though, right? They don't know for sure? He could just be stuck in traffic or something?" I say hopefully. "Well yes - sure - you know how rumors spread like wildfire in this hospital - "

While we are talking an orderly comes up to us.

"Emma, the manager is looking for you."

"Me?" I say with thick worry in my voice. "Why?" I ask, knowing he will not have the answers. "Not sure. He just asked me to come find you." I nod and thank him for passing on the message. I better head over there right now. I glance around the room at the nurses waiting for Dr. Blake to arrive. They look at me with puzzled expressions. Don't worry. I am as confused as you are.

Walking down the corridor I begin to think the worst possible thoughts.

Shit. This can't actually be good. Do they know about what happened in the locker room? Did someone see us? Am I about to lose my job? Maybe they have already fired Lennox? I feel sick to my stomach as I walk towards the manager's office.

This is so embarrassing. I can't believe I'm going to lose the job that I've worked so hard for over something so stupid. I will have to explain everything to my parents. They are going to be so disappointed in me. Why did I not just control myself?

I feel tears threaten my vision and I swallow hard trying to get rid of the lump forming in my throat. Standing outside the manager's office I take a deep breath, hiding my emotions. Then I step inside. Time to face the music.