"Emma." He says, with a sad smile. He doesn't look angry. He looks - sad - yes. Why would he look sad? I guess he might be sad for me. Sad to have to let me go.

"What can I do for you, sir," I say, trying to sound casual but hearing the cracks in my confidence.

"Please close the door and take a seat." He gestures towards the chair opposite his desk.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I feel my body starting to shake slightly with nerves as I move to close the door. My whole career feels like it's about to come crashing down on me. I dare not speak in case my voice gives me away again. He waits patiently as I take a seat, then he breathes a deep sigh and after a long pause that drives me to the edge of insanity, he starts speaking.

"Emma, there has been an accident." The manager says. "Dr. Blake. He was in a car accident, and it's really bad."

"Oh no." I gasped in horror. "Is he alive? Where is he?"

The rumors are true. This is terrible news. A new kind of worry knots in my stomach. Is he ok? Will he be, ok? I need to know.

He told me about the car accident and how the hospital was notified by the ambulance services on the scene. Instead of bringing him here though they took him to his apartment. How strange. I wonder why they would do that.

"He is in a bad state. "He continues. "They have him set up at his apartment as they do not want him here in the hospital. They would rather keep the entire incident under wraps. We do not really want the staff or his patients freaking out. They do not need to know what has happened or how bad it is."

"I understand - but - what do you need from me then?"

Clearly, they have no idea about what happened last night; so why am I here? Why did he call me in? What could I possibly be needed for in this situation?

"We know you live in the same apartment block as him." I nod. Sure. My address is on my contract. Of course, they would know that. But still - what has that got to do with anything?

I don't say anything, waiting impatiently to understand what he needs from me.

"We want you to take care of Dr. Blake while he recovers. As I said, we want this kept quiet. We do not want the whole hospital to know." He looks at me expectantly.

"Me?" I say in surprise. "To take - to take care of him?" I trip over my words. "I don't think I'm the right person for this job, sir. Isn't there a trauma nurse perhaps more suited? - "This is a terrible idea. He does not know about the tension between Lennox and me, and I highly doubt Lennox will want me there. I might make everything worse for his recovery.

"No, Emma, you are a brilliant nurse. His scheduled surgeries are all either being delayed or transferred to another doctor so you will not have surgeries to attend to while he is healing. Honestly, Emma, we need someone we can rely on and trust to keep this quiet. There will of course be a sizeable pay increase during this time."

He raises his eyebrows in hope. Waiting again for me to reply.

"What is wrong with him?" I question nervously.

"Physically, his body has taken quite a knock, but that is not our main concern. Our main concern is that he has amnesia. He remembers most things from his past, but nothing from the past three or four months. If the board finds out he has amnesia they might cancel his contract and honestly, he is the best surgeon we've ever had. We need to avoid that at all costs."

Now I understand why they want him to recover at home.

He slides a document towards me. I briefly scanned it. It is a contract stating that I will keep this information private and telling me the amount I will be earning during this time. It is ridiculously high. I can't really afford to turn down the offer. I have student loans I need to pay off and this will help so much.

I mean, if Lennox has amnesia, he will not even remember what happened between us. Any of it. It might not be as difficult as I think.

I sign the contract nervously, wondering if I am making a big mistake.



Istare in frustration at my phone, then toss it onto the couch next to me in anger. Emma, the nurse who they appointed to look after me, comes into the room and asks, "What happened, Lennox?" She is kind and patient and drop-dead gorgeous. I sigh. "I wanted to order some things online, but I can't remember the password I set up for my account."

She goes to pick up my phone. "We can just reset it. It's not a big deal."

She is so calm and has been an absolute angel helping me with everything, but I hate to rely on anyone. I want to get back to work. I know my body needs to heal and I know I am struggling with my memory, but one thing I definitely have not forgotten is how to operate. I am still a damn good surgeon - the best. But the hospital will not let me come back to work until I regain my memory. It is too risky, they tell me.

Every time I speak to Emma about the hospital, she corrects me. She keeps reminding me that I no longer work at the old hospital and apparently, I started a job at the private hospital just down the road from this apartment a few months ago. I do not recall ever having worked there and the fact that this is true is driving me crazy.