“I will not accept any child you might have with him.”
“That’s good then. I won’t want any child around an evil witch like you.” I grit out through clenched teeth. I can barely get the words out I’m so pissed. No way I would tell her I was a month late.
She glares, bares her two mismatched teeth, stomps off to the back of the house. I don’t dare sleep. She might slit my throat.
Iwander around the corrals which are meticulously kept. All are in perfect condition. Except I can’t see where Noah is.
Strolling along a corral where steers are, I find the healthiest cattle I’ve ever seen. Big, bright eyes. Shiny coats. Everything must be going into the business part of the ranch and the house upkeep is going to pot.
I walk past a pen of pregnant cows, their bellies low to the ground with the calves they carry. Troughs full of hay and an endless supply of fresh water. He’s definitely spared no expense.
A cow rambles over, leans her head over the highest metal pole of the corral. Her bright eyes interested, her ears twitch back and forth. I rest my palm on her soft, wet nose, rubbing up and down on her forehead.
“Checking out your investment?” I don’t jump or acknowledge his unexpected question. I knew he was around somewhere. My next stop was the barn.
“No investment. Just my portion to make sure Mama had everything.”
Noah grunts, his hand on the back of her neck rubbing in the same motion I was.
“What are you here to talk about?”
“I talked with her. She said I could talk to the doctor. Said she’d call, she if she could get in today.” Removing my hand from the cow, I turn and rest my back against the metal pipes, the toe of my boot I dig into the dirt, lower my head to gaze at the ground. Make sure not to meet his eyes..
“Of course she would.” I jerk my head upright at the amount of bitterness infused into those words.
“What’s wrong?” I think I have a legitimate question. Why does he have a problem?
“Don’t you think I had dreams? Other than the ranch? That I wanted to do something else?”
“Well no. When I was old enough to understand you were an adult. I was ten. Why would I think of anything else? This was all I knew at the time. I was a kid.” Was he blaming me? I was ten.
“You were allowed sports. Tofindyourself. I had the ranch. Come straight home after school. No sports. No girls. No extracurricular activity. Nothing.”
My heart stops at a thought. It’s not possible. Not at forty-five. “You’re not a. A.” I can’t even say the word.
Noah’s brows push together. He considers my words and my face. Eyes meet mine. Finally he knows what could shock me. “No. No. Of course I’ve had sex. Don’t be stupid.”
My heart starts beating again like a calf taking its first steps.
“What did you want to do other than ranching.”
“I don’t know. I was never given a choice. My dad died when I was fifteen. But you know the story. Mama was paying cowboys through the nose to keep the ranch going. I had no choice but to take over. I was hoping you’d stay and help me.” He lowers his head and glances at me out the corner of his eye.
“Why would I after what happened. I didn’t want anymore to do with this fucking redneck town. It took me two weeks to heal.” Why is he bringing old news up now? He knows what happened. What hischurchdid to me. It’s old news.
“Did something happen? Is that why you never wanted to come back? What do you mean heal?” Noah rests his arm against the corral, his head cocked, racking his gaze up and down me.
“You know what happened. They told me you and Mana turned me in to be punished for wanting to join the devil’s world.” I stalk away from him to swivel around and stalk back.
“I have no idea what you’re fucking going on about. Make sense.”
“Make sense? Okay. I’ll make sense. I start walking to the bus stop and some of the respected church members tell me I’m needed at the church.” I throw my arms out wide.
“So I get in Simon Ellises truck. Why should I not trust what he says? But I have this feeling that I ignore because. Again. A well respected member of said church. I get out of the car in the back lot. About twenty members are standing around. Holding baseball bats and two by fours. Tire irons. You get the idea I think? They beat the fucking shit out of me. Almost killed me. Left me.” I close my eyes, and drop my head. Reliving that horror takes a lot out of me.