“I don’t want a housekeeper. I want to do everything myself like I always have. I don’t want some stranger going through my things.” Tears fall down her gaunt cheeks, shouting at the same time.

“It’ll only be a while Mama. Talk with the doctor. It’ll be over before you know it and you’ll still be with us. Go see the doctor again. What kind of cancer?” I want to reach over and hug him, but I know he needs to stay strong. He can’t let the tears. His voice falls and his mother knows it.

“Uterine. I already had the surgery two months ago. I have only a seventy percent chance of beating this.”

“Seventy is better than none Mama. How can I talk you into doing this? Let me call your doctor and see if we can go over today.” His chair scrapes against the old tile floor. He turns back to his Mama, his hands take hers, holds tight. So tight I imagine he might be hurting her with how white his knuckles are.

I open my mouth, but she says, “all right. I’ll call. Maybe they’ve had a cancellation. Tell them my famous son is in town.” Her eyes swim with tears, but her tone is teasing.

“Good. I’m going to look for Noah. Let him know.” All she does is nod. “Why don’t you take a nap. Both of you.”

She nods again, her eyes droop with her head. The emotion that filled the room was exhausting, and I feel almost as tired already.

Hutch leans down to pluck at my lips with his. I want more. But we can’t get what we want. I rest my head against his chest, soaking his strength in.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can baby.” His voice breezes past my ear.

“Take your time. Talk with your brother. Work things out.” I step away, patting his chest. I love this chest. So strong. Just like him. Even with his vulnerable moments. It makes him more human.

He shoves his hands in the front pockets of his jeans. He nods slowly. His face tight.

“I’ll clean up and lay down. Just show me your room.”

“No we’ll both do dishes and I’ll show you his room. And then I’ll show you your room.” Her eyes are hard and won’t take no for an answer.

“That sounds great. See you later babe.” I try to sound as happy as I’m not feeling. A fake brightness.

Hutch kisses the top of my head and does the same to his mother. She smiles like a mother does, and he leaves.

“Mrs. Adam’s.” I start, but she interrupts, swiveling around glaring. I take a step back not expecting this reaction.

“Listen you fat nobody. I want you to leave my son alone. You’re not good enough for him. He needs to marry a good girl from our church, not some whore like you.” Her words are startling. I never expected anything like this. “I don’t want any grandchildren withyouas the mother.”

“Mrs. Adam’s. I don’t understand. I thought we had an understanding. What is best for Hutch.” I really don’t understand. I thought she liked me. I was obviously wrong.

“You dumb bitch. You’re so stupid. Why would you think that? Someone as loose as you. Your…yourrelationshipwith Jeremiah and his friends is all over the television. I don’t know how you think you can hide it with those three famous boys. Someone like you will ruin them and take all their money.” She spits her vile words at me like bullets that strike at my heart.

“I d-d-don’t understand.”

“Of course you don’t. You’re not one of the believers of the church. You’re too much into worldly matters.” She takes a step closer, shaking her fist. For a second I think she’s going to hit me.

“Are you even sick? Or is this some fake shit to try and get him in your vile cult’s clutches. He doesn’t believe like you do.” I’m getting worked up now. She seemed so sweet and motherly at first.Fake. Fake. Fake.

“He will when he meets the sweet, young girls we have ready to marry him.”

“You mean get their greedy hands on his money. He doesn’t do innocent. He’s not a perve. He’s a grown man.” I lean into her personal space. Which is hard, she’s a tall woman even hunched slightly over like she is. I’m a short shit. Five feet nothing. But I still give it a good try.

She leans down toward me, and I raise up to my tip toes. “I wouldn’t want any grandchildren by you. There’s no way to know who the father is. The child could be one of the other two deviant men.”

“So if they are deviant I guess that makes your son too. You don’t think much of him do you?” I thrust the knife in a little deeper.

She splutters, “he’s being led by the three of you.”

A full blown out snort and guffaw bursts out, “you think he’s that simple minded? You don’t think much of him do you?”

“T-t-that’s not true. I think he’s been around you worldly people too much. He needs to come home and be around the church.”

“There’s no way you can break us up.” I’m confident about this. No matter how much she tries it’s not happening.