“This is probably not a good idea,” Evie giggled as she took off my shirt.

“This is a wonderful idea,” I said as ripped her t-shirt off and kissed her, tasting the unbelievable sweet Evie again.

“I promised myself I wasn’t going to do this,” Evie said a little later, kissing my chest and licking my skin, smiling naughtily at me.

“I’m delighted you decided to break that promise,” I whispered to her as I opened her legs and entered her, feeling the most exquisite pleasure at the wonderful wetness between her thighs.

Chapter 11


I wake up with the hangover from hell.

It is the worst hangover I’ve ever had.

There have been a few of those, I’m not proud to say. When I was a kid, I once got drunk with my brothers. They weren’t paying attention and I was drinking beers on the sly, trying to keep up with them. I ended up puking my guts out in the garden and they got an earful from my mother and I didn’t go to school the next day, too sick to move. Once, in college, I had underestimated the power in a punch bowl at a friend’s housewarming party and had passed out on their porch, waking up half-frozen in the middle of the night, spending a few confusing moments trying to figure out where the hell I was.

But this was worse.

Much, much worse.

There was the headache and the nausea, as well as a body ache that made it almost impossible to get up and walk to the bathroom. Then, added to that, was the shame of what had happened the night before. Because, the moment I got out of bed and saw that I was naked, it all came flooding back.

Me at Julia-what’s-her-name’s house, taking pills and drinking while Star worked and then, for some unfathomable reason, taking off my clothes and swimming naked with a bunch of people who kept smiling at me and telling me they loved me and how beautiful I was. Then Tate came and I think I told him he was beautiful and I loved him. Or I wanted to make love to him. I had the sinking feeling that is what I said to him and then not long after that, we did that. A few times, as I recall.

There was a note next to the bed saying he had gone to fetch Summer and that I should take some aspirin. He’d left out two tablets, which I gratefully drank with water. Then I got back into bed and groaned a bit, it made me feel better.

How could I have been so stupid?

Why had I gone with Star, why did I take drugs and drink champagne in the middle of the day? I guess part of it was being blinded by going to a film star’s house and hanging out there like it was normal. And I’d never taken any kind of drug before and I wanted to try it, to see what it was like to be one of those gorgeous people who smiled at everyone and looked lovely and were so awesome to have around, like stunning house plants or charming pets.

But that wasn’t me.

I felt terrible.

I fell asleep and woke up a little while later, to the sound of someone knocking on the door.

“Evie? It’s Star.”

I went to open the door.

Tate’s ex-wife handed me a big shaker and told me to drink it.

“Don’t look at it,” she warned me. “Don’t smell it either! Just pinch your nose like this,” she showed me. “And drink it.”

I was too weak to argue. I drank it while Star told me that Tate had decided to go golfing with Trevor. Summer and Adam were having a rematch of some game they’d been playing.

“At least they’re getting along,” she said, rolling her eyes as if exasperated, but I knew she was pleased they were getting on.

“I felt bad when I heard how you were feeling,” she said, making big eyes. “I thought you were all right yesterday?”

“It’s all an act,” I said, wondering if she knew how much of it was true. “I don’t have a clue what I’m doing half the time.”

Her eyes narrowed. “But Tate said you were such a smart businesswoman! He was, like, totally in awe of how you apparently won over your board to go global with your business.”

Typical Tate, I thought. Overdoing the praise.

“Yeah, well. He’s pussy whipped I guess.”