“I am so sorry,” she said. “I just can’t say no. I mean Julia is such a big star, you know, right?”

I didn’t, of course, I didn’t know half of these so-called celebrities, but Evie immediately said, “Of course! She is huge! And she’s got that new movie coming out, right?”

“Right!” Star was relieved to see Evie got it. “She’s got this lunch to go to and she has to look hot, but apparently her skin is all blotchy…” Star looked around to check no-one was listening, then she dropped her voice like she was a CIA agent or something and muttered, “From a procedure, you know, bad reaction…” she lifted her eyebrows and stared pointedly, to get the point across.

“Anyway, I said I’d do something with her hair, you know, try and cover it.”

“Of course!” Evie was nodding enthusiastically when Star suddenly said, “Why don’t you come along? You can help me, be my assistant!”

I interjected, “Star, please, you can’t expect that of Evie, she’s a professional businesswoman, not some make-up artist!”

But Evie surprised me, saying, “No, I’d love that, truly!”

I was going to take Summer to see Adam and Trevor at the house and in the evening, we would pick up Star and Evie from Julia’s place in Bel-Air.

That had been the plan, at least.

I spent a day of excruciating boredom at Trevor’s house, listening to him drone on about movies and Superhero franchises and how demanding his job was. Summer and Adam seemed to get on just fine over the PlayStation and I excused myself to make a few phone calls, leaving them for a few hours to get away for a bit.

Late in the afternoon, I got a strange call from Evie.

“Oh, my God!” she was gushing, “You should see this place. And Julia is so lovely! Her face is not that bad at all!”

“Are you okay?” I asked. Evie sounded a bit spacey.

“I’m a-ok!” she sang.

“Did you take something?” I asked.

“Just champagne,” she started saying, then laughingly added, “A glass or three or maybe four! I’ve been swimming in the pool while Star is in there with Julia.” Her voice dropped. “There are all these people here, actors and models, just… hanging out, I guess.”

I was getting a bit worried.

“Listen, I’ll come get you, okay? Have you eaten?” I had a feeling Evie was a bit out of her depth there, surrounded by the glitz of Hollywood. I knew Star took all kinds of upper and downers and inbetweeners, and mixing that with alcohol was not a good idea. Evie told me she was fine and in the afternoon, when the client went out to her lunch, I stopped by to pick up Star and Evie.

I pressed the buzzer to the house and the door opened. I could hear laughter coming from the pool area and made my way through a hacienda-type house to an outdoor pool where people were swimming and drinking and clearly having a party. I looked for Evie and finally found her in the pool, stark naked.


“Hey there, lover!” she called out to me, sounding very cheery. “Come over here!” she was trying to pull me into the swimming pool but I evaded her. “Where is Star?”

“She went home.”

“Without you?” I found that hard to believe.

“I told her I wanted to stay, said you’d come pick me up,” she batted her eyelids coquettishly at me.

“Hey man, leave her. She’s having fun,” some young guy said to me. He looked about sixteen years old, but underneath the eye tuck and a bit of lifting of the cheekbones, he was probably closer to forty.

“That is my fiancée you’re talking about,” I said sternly to him. “Back the fuck off!”

Evie got out of the pool and came towards me, dripping wet and giggling. Water running off her luscious body, her hair wet against her skin. It was an enchanting sight. I’d not had a chance to look at her properly that night in the office and here she was, running naked towards me. I opened my arms and she walked into them.

“I’m having the best time,” she whispered into my shirt.

“Are you really?” I asked her. “I have a feeling you might feel differently about this in the morning?”

“Who cares about tomorrow, right?” She stole a look at me between wet lashes, pressing her wet body against me, sending me a very clear message of her intentions. I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass me by. I quickly got her dressed and drove us back to our hotel room, calling Trevor and arranging that Summer spend the night at their place. I couldn’t wait to get Evie alone at the hotel room and the door had barely closed behind us when we were kissing and grabbing at each other’s clothes, trying to get into bed as quickly as possible.