Page 61 of Up in Flames

Joey walks into her room and shuts the door.

Exhaling against him, I relax instantly. He kisses my neck, sucking on my skin as he hastens his circles on my clit. My breathing escalates, and I whimper slightly, still trying to be quiet. Closing my eyes, I roll my hips into his hand. A low growl echoes from his chest, and he sucks on my neck, marking his property. The heat builds inside me as he slides his fingers around and around. I move one hand from the seam of his jeans, up and into his hair, holding his lips to my neck as his heat overwhelms me, causing me to quiver. My breathing is quick and shallow as I pull his head to mine, crashing our lips together.

A muffled moan escapes my mouth into his as I begin to unravel. My muscles clench with one last twirl of his finger and a roll of his hips. My back arches and a shudder runs down my spine. Everything tightens, restricting my movements as it all reaches a crescendo and then hits me like a wave of water crashing into the shore. It smashes full force and then spreads over my body, rushing through me from my head to my toes, sending a flood of euphoric pleasure through me as I climax and moan loudly into his mouth.

Cain’s smiling against my lips when my muscles finally relax enough to tell. My body is still slightly shuddering and shaking as I ride against his hand. My breathing begins to slow as he takes his hand out from inside my pants. My grip loosens on his hair and his jeans as he turns me around to face him. My eyes look up at him in a hooded lust-filled state when he takes his finger, sticks it in his mouth, and sucks me from him. Scrunching my nose up at him, he pulls me closer.

“You do realize that little action you did there? That’s what started all this in the first place.”

Laughing, I slap him on the chest as he rolls his hips into me again, making me painfully aware of his still-raging hard cock.

Joey’s door opens, and she steps out, looking right at us, and I move to embrace Cain so she doesn’t see my open pants. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head.

“Did you guys say something?” she asks. “Sounded muffled?” she asks, oblivious.

“That was Makaylie. I was just rubbing her cu—” I cut him off with a glare, and he chuckles. “I was rubbing her cut, and it … hurt, so she moaned,” he says, looking at me with a shit-eating grin.

Exhaling, I rest my head on his chest.


“Okay, no worries. ’Night,” Joey replies as she closes her door.

I look up at Cain and open my eyes wide. “You almost gave me a heart attack.” I glance down to do up my jeans.

He chuckles. “Well, like I said, Makaylie, Iwilltake you anywhere, anytime. Remember, you’remineto do with as I see fit.” He smirks.

Knowing he’s trying to rile me, I let that one slide rather than give him the satisfaction of working me up. We have had enough fighting for one day.

“Whatever you say, Cain.”

“See, you’re learning, little dove.”

“Mm-hmm…” I mumble. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it, though.”

“No, but youreallylike me. I think you might learn to love me one day,” he says with a bright smile.

“Yeah, I wonder why sometimes, after a stunt like that,” I scold, making him pout his bottom lip.

“C’mon, let’s go to bed.”

I nod, grab his hand, and lead him to my room, flicking off the lights as we go. It’s been a while since we’ve slept here, but his leather jacket still takes pride of place on the chair in the corner of my room.

“Hurry up and get naked. I want to feel your body against mine.” Cain starts to pull off his clothes.

I shake my head at his demanding attitude, but I can’t deny him this request.

Because I sure as hell want to feel his naked body against mine too.



This is not my choice, and I hate leaving Makaylie in her bed like this while I head off to the brotherhood for a night of God only knows what.

As I get dressed, I look back to her lying in bed, cuddling into the pillow, breathing heavily as she sleeps soundly. I shake my head, hating that I’m doing this yet again. But I have been going in less and less to the warehouse, and I know if I don’t make an appearance, it will raise alarm bells, not just with the other Bachelors, but more importantly with Boss. And that’s one man I don’t want checking on me.

So I get dressed, grab my cell, lean down, plant a chaste kiss on Makaylie without waking her, and leave the apartment, making sure to grab her keys and then head for the warehouse.