Page 60 of Up in Flames

“God, that does things to me…” He groans as he turns me, pulling my back to his front and pushing his newly formed erection into my ass. Letting out a stifled giggle, I bite my bottom lip as he slowly rubs himself against me. Swallowing hard, I try not to give it away as Joey is in the living room, oblivious to his advances.

Cain brings my ridiculously bandaged hand up to his lips and kisses over my cut. He gently rolls his hips into me, awakening my inner desires. The fight, followed by Cain telling me he truly cares about me, is making me need him as he rubs himself against me, my whole body begging for his touch.

There’s just one problem.

Behind the dividing half wall between us and the living room is Joey, who’s cleaning up our mess.

Cain’s hand slowly makes its way down my side to the top of my thigh, and he presses between my legs. I gulp as his hand is hidden from Joey’s view by the counter, but she can still see our faces.

He moves slowly on me. This is beyond a public display of affection, and Joey surely knows what he’s doing, but I’m too stunned to stop him. Plus, it feels too good. I rest my head back on his shoulder as he rolls his hips into me again. His hand slowly rubs me so I can just feel the friction under my pants.

“Breathe, Makaylie,” he whispers in my ear as he moves his hand, trailing his fingers across the top of my pants. He slowly undoes the button, and I tense up, moving my hand to stop him.

I mean, for crying out loud, Joey is right there in the next room, and she can see us, for God’s sake!

He chuckles and rolls his hips into me again, sending a shock wave straight to my clit.

I exhale as he leans in and kisses behind my ear.Oh God!

“Anywhere, anytime, little dove,” he whispers in my ear. His voice is so deep, so gravelly, and so sensual it sends goose bumps over my entire body. Cain’s hand slides inside my jeans, and I let him take control of me.

Moving his fingers down the front of my panties, he gently presses on my clit. My eyes attempt to close at the intense feeling, but Cain softens his touch, so I open my eyes and glance at him.

“Keep your eyes open, or you’ll give us away,” he whispers as I rest my head back on his shoulder.

“So what have you guys been up to besides destroying vases?” Joey asks as she continues to clean up the mess.

Instantly, I tense as she looks over at us. Cain kisses my cheek and firms the pressure on me, rubbing just the right way to send a shudder through my very center.

Oh, fuck, it feels good.

Joey furrows her brows, looking at me for an answer.

“We’ve just been hanging out. I’ve been helping Makaylie with her writing. Isn’t that right, little dove?” Cain kisses my cheek again, and his finger circles effortlessly as I try to suppress a moan and gain some composure.

“Oh God, yes,” I say breathlessly.

A slight laugh leaves Cain as he quickens the pace with his finger.

Joey looks at me strangely but continues to chat, “Oh, awesome. You’ve been writing again, Kaylie?” She walks closer toward the dividing counter, and I tense even more, which only heightens the pleasure unfolding inside me.

It’s becoming overwhelming.

“Yes. Mmm…” I moan a little at the end, and she laughs.

“Glad to see you’re enjoying writing that much,” she says as she stares at me with an eyebrow raised.

My hands fist into the seams of Cain’s jeans as I try to keep my breathing in check. He circles on me again as he rolls his hard cock into my ass. I’m so close, but I’m holding back because of Joey.

“Okay, well, I’m beat. I’ll see you tomorrow. ’Night,” she says, placing the dustpan and broom on the dining table and walking to her room. “Nice to finally meet you, Cain, and look after Kaylie. She is stubborn, but she is awesome.” She waves to him.

He waves back with his free hand. “Good night, Joey. I’ve definitely got my hands full of Makaylie,” he says, circling on me again, making me gasp.

“You mean you’ve got your hands fullwithMakaylie?” Joey asks.

Oh, just fuck off to your room, Joey!

“Yeah, that’s what I meant.” Cain chuckles as he rolls his hips into me again.