Page 32 of Last Breath

“I thought I’d surprise you! Are you not happy to see me?”

“Of course I am. Who brought you?” he asks looking around me at the car.

“I asked a friend for a favor. I’ve missed you,” I say feeling sick to my stomach.

“I’ve missed you too. Are you okay?”

“I’m great. School is good. I just missed you is all.” He must notice the look in my eye because he moves. And he moves quickly. His gun is pulled at the same time as mine. Vin steps out of the car, this whole situation going the wrong way. I wanted time with him. I wanted answers.

“What the hell is this?” he hisses at me.

“What is this? I should be asking you the same. Why did you send me to another family? You set me up!” I scream loudly. My gun is aimed directly at him and his is aimed at me.

“You were always a pawn!”

“Not anymore. Put your gun down, father.” Vincent talks quietly and soon our men are surrounding us. I’ve never felt this kind of power before. I’ve never felt so alive.

“You’re making a mistake!”

“Put the gun down!” Vincent roars as he steps closer to me.

“You won’t do it,” my father says looking me in the eye.

“Tell me. Did you have anything to do with Dominic Dameco’s death?”

“Dameco was a liability. We all made a mutual decision!”

“Say hello to my husband in hell.”

“What? No!”

“Yes. You had my husband killed and now you’re going to join him.” I do it. I pull the trigger before I ever get any answers. Fuck the answers. He said enough when he said he was a part of Dom’s death. His body falls to the ground as his men start coming from inside. Vin fires a few more shots, tugging me back to the car. I’m shoved inside as more shots are fired, a few ricocheting off the car. Vin jumps in and slams the door, yelling at the driver to go. The car takes off, throwing me against the seat as it goes. I glance over at Vin as he stares at me.

“I did it.”

“You did it.” With those words I lay my head back and close my eyes.

“I did it, Dom,” I whisper to no one.


Life isn’t perfect. I never thought it would be. I grew up a pampered little princess until I was at the age that I could be used. Then I was sent away. As if I was nothing. Maybe that’s exactly what I was meant to be. Nothing.

“Mrs. Dameco?” I turn my head and look over my shoulder at one of the newer guys. He’s standing there with a stack of papers in his hand looking uneasy.


“Someone needs to sign off on these,” he says. I motion for him to bring them to me and he does with quickness. I spin the chair around and look at the stake of papers that sit in front of me. These were for Dom’s legit businesses. They were for his new beginnings. Tears fill my eyes as I pick up the pen and sign my name to them. I will keep this going. I will make sure everything he wanted was fulfilled.

“Here,” I say after signing them all. I pick up the stack and pass them back to him. He nods and hurries from the room as I pull open Dom’s desk drawer and pull out his liquor bottle. I understand it a little more now. The reason he drank. The reason he needed a break. I twist the cap off and bring the bottle to my lips before taking a long pull. It burns as it slithers down my throat, hitting my stomach hard.

“You look like him sitting there,” Vin says as he strolls into the room.

“He didn’t use a glass?” Vin shakes his head.

“No. Just drank from the bottle. He was far too stressed for a kid.”

“And he was just a kid. I remember seeing the look in his eyes one night when we were watching a movie. I kept thinking how young he looked sitting there,” I tell him.