Page 31 of Last Breath

“You need to rest. Everything is going according to the plan. You’re overworking yourself,” he says once more.

“I don’t have a choice. I want this to be over while it’s still fresh in everyone’s mind. It’s been months, Vin. I hate that it’s taken me this long,” I admit to him.

“Eva,” he says looking off before dragging his gaze back to mine.

“I understand. I do, but you weren’t in any position to fight. You weren’t trained and you could barely hold a gun. It takes time to learn those things. I think you’ve done very well over the last few months. I’m proud of you,” he tells me. His words. They mean a lot to me. No one has ever been proud of me. My own father sent me away to use me as a pawn.

“They’re still looking for me aren’t they?” Vin nods his head.

“They are. They don’t know where you are. They are searching Chicago which is why it’s dangerous for you to go back there.”

“I can’t hide here forever, Vincent. I won’t. Dom had a dream and I’d like to make that happen for him. He had bigger plans for this family, for you, all of you. Don’t you think it’s fair to give it a chance?” Vin shifts on the bed so that he’s facing me. His hands come up to cup my cheeks as he licks his lips. I know what he wants to do, kiss me, but I hope that he doesn’t. I’m not ready to move on yet.

“I think you’re doing the right thing, Eva. I think he would be proud of you, but he’d also not want you in harms way. If I let you do this, I’m betraying him.”

“No,” I say slapping his hands away from me. I sit up, the rag falling from my head as I look him in the eye.

“You don’t get to say that to me. You don’t get to make that decision. I do! He was my husband and that gives me enough authority to do this. Don’t you think he deserves that much?” Vin lowers his head, taking a deep breath before looking back up at me.

“I think you deserve more. I think you deserve to have a life that you’ve always wanted. Dom forced you into marrying him, Eva. We all know it.”

“That changes nothing. Not a damn thing, Vincent. My head is killing me so if you don’t mind I’d like to get some rest.” Vin nods his head and stands to his feet heading for the door.

“And Vincent. If you’re not onboard with this, don’t be here when I wake up.”


My hands are clammy as we climb off the airplane. I never thought I’d be back here, in this city ever again after what I learned. But here I am. I glance over my shoulder at Vincent, needing his encouragement to keep going. He nods his head and walks up next to me, wrapping his fingers around mine.

“You can do this,” he says. I nod my head as we walk to the car that’s waiting for us. Vin ushers me inside, climbing in behind me. He drops the bag he had over his shoulder onto the seat and pulls out the guns I’ll be taking with me. Passing them to me, I slip one into my purse the other into the back of my jeans like he taught me to. My insides feel jumpy but deep down I know this is what needs to be done. I need to end this before they find me first.

“We’re going to be right behind you. I’ll give you the ten minutes you asked for, but that’s all, Eva. I won’t let you stay in there longer,” he tells me.

“I know.”

“Then you also know that if he hurts you…”

“He’s going to die anyway, Vin. That’s the end game, right?” I look over at him while I pull my hair up on top of my head. Securing it there, I roll my shoulders back as the car drives.

“You nervous?”

“I thought I would be, but I’m not. My stomach is doing flips, but I think it’s just the thought of going in there,” I admit to him. He nods his head as if he understands.

“I won’t let him hurt you. We’ll be right behind you and we can hear everything,” he says reaching up to tap the earpiece in my ear. I nod my head knowing that he’s gone over this a million times. We’ve gone over the layout of my father’s house, where he’d likely be. We’ve talked about every exit and the basement. We’ve went over every single detail there was to go over.

“I know. I can do this, Vin.”

“I know you can. Just remember you’re coming out of there alive. I need you alive, Evangeline.”

“I don’t plan on dying today. My mission isn’t over.” Vin nods his head, cupping my cheek in his hand before pulling it away. I watch him shift in his seat before looking out the window. I do the same, watching as the buildings pass us by. When we pull up to the gates I tell the driver the code. He punches it in and the gates open. He pulls through as I take a deep breath. As soon as we make it to the front door my father is there. It’d be so easy to shoot him from here.

“Let’s do it now,” Vin growls.

“No! I want my answers,” I say stopping him. He isn’t taking this away from me. I open my door and climb out, closing it quickly behind me. Behind the blacked out windows my father wouldn’t be able to see that there were more people inside.

“Daddy!” I say cheerfully as I rush up the steps and slam into his arms. Bile burns the back of my throat as I hug the man that wanted me dead. The man that used me against another family.

“Eva, I didn’t expect you today. What are you doing here?”