Page 18 of Last Breath

“Meaning what? You want to keep her around?”

“I don’t know yet. I don’t know that much about her and could you picture that war? A Dameco marrying a Bosco?” I chuckle at the idea.

“Marrying? Aren’t you getting ahead of yourself?” with that thought I shake my head and lean forward, smoke billowing from my lips.

“I don’t think so. Sit,” I tell him. Vin walks over and takes a seat in the chair in front of me unsure of where this talk might lead us.

“What are you thinking?”

“Bosco’s aren’t as ruthless as the Dameco’s, right?” I say already knowing that we are the more violent of the syndicates.

“Meaning what, Dom?”

“What if a forced marriage is just what we need to bring this war together?” Now he laughs.

“A forced marriage? Do you hear yourself? Isn’t it enough that you kidnapped the girl and now you’re going to force her to marry you? What about school, Dominic?”

“I don’t need it! I’ve said this over and over a fucking diploma for a man like me is useless. I want out of Chicago, Vin. That has always been the end game.” My plans have shifted over the years, but the main goal was to take over this family, rule it and take it in a different direction. While I don’t mind the illegal side of things, I prefer to be off the FBI’s watch list and venturing into things that are legitimate and useful. Where my father loves going against the law, I want to straighten out this organization so that our families and their families will have some sort of legacy down the road in the future. At some point this life will catch up with everyone and when my time comes, I want to know that those I care for are taken care of.

“It makes sense, Vin. My father will lose his shit. He will initiate the war himself knowing that I have a Bosco under my roof. He will pull out all the stops to get to her and we both know it. That’s our chance. You’ve wanted this as much as me. Has that changed?” Vin scrubs his hand over his face shaking his head before turning to look back at me.

“You sure about this? You did just kill the girl’s best friend in front of her, I’m not sure marriage is on the table.”

“I won’t leave her a choice.” Just as I speak one of the whore’s stroll past my office looking like she was freshly fucked. I let Vin, Mario and a few others crash here so that they’re here when I need them.

“Rose!” I call out to her. She walks backward until she’s standing in the doorway smiling at me.

“Dominic. You’re up late,” she purrs as she struts her sexy ass into the room. Vin and I both eye her up and down until she’s right in front of me. I rest my hand on her waist and gaze up at her.

“How’s my favorite girl?”

“Tired. It’s been a long day. How are you Dom?”

“Same. You too tired to suck me off?” I ask knowing she wouldn’t dare say no to me. Instead of waiting for her to answer, I shove her to her knees and spin my chair to the side. She reaches for the gym shorts I put on and pulls them down as I raise my hips to help. My cock springs free hard and ready from the thoughts of marrying Eva. The plan would be perfect.

Rose sucks my cock into her mouth, her already smudged lipstick smearing more as she deep throats me. Vin hisses and I roll my eyes back letting her suck like her life depends on it. I’m so close to coming when I hear the gasp. Opening my eyes, Eva stands in the doorway and I raise my hips, hitting Rose in the back of the throat as I come. She swallows as tears fill Eva’s eyes once more. My chest clenches as I fill the girls mouth when Vincent laughs.

“So much for your plan,” he says.

“She’ll do it,” I say even as I watch her turn and run from the room. She’ll marry me if she wants to live to breathe another day.



I’ve always prided myself on the backbone that I had. I stood up for myself and lately I feel that crumbling. When I was in New York I’d never let a man walk all over me the way I have Dom. No, I would stand my ground, but after the way he held me the other night and all the past nights, I thought there was more to him. I was dead wrong. When I walked in and saw that woman on her knees sucking him off, it stung. All the nights he whispered he needed me in his sleep were lies. For someone that hates liars he sure did do it a lot himself.

Today I’ll be stronger. Today I will not let him break me anymore. With my head held high, I walk out of his room and down the hall. I find my way to the kitchen after being told I had free rein of the house. I don’t know where Dom is and I really don’t care.

“Hello dear. What can I get you to eat?”

“Yogurt is fine.”

“Nonsense, I’ll make you breakfast,” the old woman says. Dom told me he had a woman that came in and cooked for him. It shouldn’t surprise me since my father had the same. I’ve never done a single thing to help around my house before, but the urge was always there. It seemed wrong to have people waiting on you the way they do. They are people too and it took me a long time to realize that fact.

I eat my breakfast in silence and wash up when I’m done. That’s when I see Vincent eyeing me.

“What are you staring at?”