Page 19 of Last Breath

“Not you.”

“Really? Then look away, Vincent,” I snap. In a few short strides he’s in front of me, pulling me off the stool I sat on.

“I don’t like you. I don’t trust you and I damn sure don’t like that Dom is keeping you around,” he growls.

“That makes two of us. I don’t want to be here anymore than you want me here. Tell your little friend to let me go and we can live happily ever after,” I tell him raising an eyebrow.

“If only it was that easy.”

“What’s that mean?”

“Nothing. The seamstress will be here in thirty minutes to take measurements. Get a shower and be ready,” he says shoving my arm away like it burned him. I ignore his words and wander the house not caring what he has to say.

Until I find myself back at that room. The room I was held in for days. The room he… the room he killed her in. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I glance around. You would never know that someone was killed in this room. It’s been cleaned spotless and that fact alone should unnerve me if I didn’t already know what this life held.

“You shouldn’t be in here.” I look up to find another man, Roni I believe.

“Why not? It used to be my cell wasn’t it?”

“You get some food in you and you turn into a smartass? I like it. That’ll keep Dom on his toes,” he says as if I give two shits about Dom. Fuck him. He can’t keep me here any longer than I want to be here.

“Dom isn’t here and I can be anywhere in this house that I want to be. I’ve had enough being told what to do and where to go.” Snapping at Roni might not be the right thing to do, but that’s just too bad.

“Feisty. That’s also good.”

“Why is that good? Roni, right?” He nods his head and moves into the room.

“Do you know how hard it is to clean up blood? Especially when it sits for so long. If you don’t do it quickly it can seep through the goddamn wooden floors and then the subflooring. It’s not the most pleasant thing to clean.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I don’t want to clean up your blood, Evangeline. That’s why.” His eyes meet mine and I can see the truth in them. Does he think that Dom will kill me next? Will he kill me if I don’t follow his rules? He hasn’t really been that bad to me. He’s treated me with respect and hasn’t hurt me. Is that all about to change?

“I can see the wheels spinning and when you push a man to his boundaries when he’s already teetering on the edge, the blood will fly.” With that he turns and walks back out of the room leaving me to my own thoughts.

It doesn’t take long for the seamstress to come in. She measures and fits and sizes me for clothes that I couldn’t care less about, but I don’t have anything of my own here to wear. Dom took everything.

“This is stupid,” I huff.


“Yes, Princess. Enlighten us as to what’s so stupid.” I didn’t realize Dom was back already and when I look over my shoulder I can see the fire burning in his eyes.

“All of this. I don’t need to be fitted for clothes, Dominic. I have clothes at home.”

“You no longer have a home.” What did he just say? I do have a home.


“You heard correctly. You no longer have a home. In fact, the one place you will be calling home is my house. What do you think of that?”

“Have you lost your goddamn mind? I’m eighteen years old! I’m not living with you, Dominic!” He looks to the seamstress and waves a hand through the air dismissing her and I can tell just by the look in his eyes that whatever he’s about to tell me, I’m not going to like.

“You will live with me. In fact, you will marry me.” A fit of laughter erupts out of me as I watch him stand there with his hands in his pockets, not a care in the world. If he thinks I’m marrying someone like him, he’s lost his mind.

“Do you know why I came out here? My reasons, not my fathers?” He shakes his head once. “To get away from people like you. I want nothing to do with the mafia world, Dom. That’s what I’m doing here. You think you can talk me into marrying you, you must really be insane.”

“I will kill your mother in front of you if you don’t.” My heart stops beating as I look at the man in front of me. The man I thought had a heart somewhere inside of him and I see now that I was wrong.