"Are you saying yes now?" He sounds so excited; it makes butterflies swoop around in my stomach.

"Maybe," I hedge. "We'll just have to pick a time."

"How about now?"

"Now?" I echo, "It's almost 10 pm."

"So what? I'd meet you at midnight. There has to be somewhere open where we can grab a meal and talk some more." Taylor Swift lyrics flash in my head and I get an even better feeling about him.

Now... he wants to meet now. I look down at my sweats and fuzzy unicorn slippers and wonder if this is really a good idea.

"Betty? Have I lost you?"

"No, no, I'm here. Uh, have you ever been to Polly's? They're open 24 hours and the food is amazing."

"Polly's. I've heard of it. I'll meet you there in say half an hour?"

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

We hang up and I squeal excitedly into the silence, startling Oscar. "What should I wear?" I ask him, taking a moment to give him pets before I head to my bedroom closet.

Yes, I'm a crazy cat lady. I embrace it.

I look through my closet and grab my favorite red sweater and a pair of jeans. Casual but cute. I pull them on and toss my hair back in a purposely messy ponytail. One spritz of perfume later I'm ready to head out.

I get to Polly's and grab a booth when I don't see Gus. I take a moment to look around at the holiday decor, the mistletoe hanging over the tables.Ew, mistletoe.Once I'm settled Gus comes walking in looking just as handsome as he did in his suit at Milly's party. He's wearing jeans and a hooded sweatshirt, his hair tousled from the wind. I raise my hand when he looks around and he grins when he sees me.

It's a nice grin. I like it.

I watch while he walks toward me and leans in to kiss my cheek before settling in across from me. My skin tingles where his lips touched me. He looks too big to be allowed in the booth honestly, I hear his knees hit the table twice and have to hold back a smile. "I forgot how tall you are," I admit. "Do you want to sit at the counter instead?"

He shakes his head, "No, I like booths just fine." He looks me up and down and I feel his gaze like a caress. "That color is gorgeous on you."

Color rises in my cheeks and I look down at the table, unable to hide my smile. I'm not used to getting so many compliments.

I'm sure I can get used to it.

"Thank you. It's my favorite." I bite my lip, looking anywhere but in his face, sure I have some goofy look on mine.

"Thanks for meeting me," he says, his eyes hungry on my face now. I smile, charmed all over again.

"Thanks for asking me."

"You're welcome."

Maybe I'm not awful at this after all?

Maybe I just hadn't found the right man yet...



Betty is delightful.

I love that she ordered pancakes for herself and then swapped me for my French toast when she saw how good it looked. I love that we wound up sharing, eating off each other's plates like we'd known one another for years instead of days. I love that she eats; she doesn't push her food around whileIeat, making me feel rude.

Truly, she's adorable. And I like her. A lot. And it's soon and I might be losing my mind but I'm so ok with it. I don't know if it's the holiday season making me so amenable to falling in love or what. I feel like she put a spell on me with that first smile she gave me.