I don't mind. I'm trying to hold on to my good sense. Trying. She doesn't know that the party she catered was thrown by my mother. Therefore she doesn't know about my trust fund. After my disastrous relationship with Marnie, Mom advised me to keep it a secret. For my own peace of mind. So I'm going to wait before I drop that bomb. It's not like I'm lying to her, she never asked how I knew the host...

It still doesn't feel great.

But I figure as long as she finds out from me, I can weather whatever storm comes. Maybe she'll understand? Or maybe she'll wonder why I doubted that I could trust her...

I'm getting ahead of myself. We are brand new. Haven't even kissed yet. We hugged goodbye last night when I walked her to her car. I won't get into how perfect she felt in my arms. Again, it's soon and I need to keep my head on straight.

Hence my silence about who my mother is.

My phone dings a text alert, pulling me from my thoughts. It's from Betty. A picture of her with a giant ginger cat.

Betty: Thanks again for last night, I had fun. This is Oscar, he says hi.

Me: Ah yes, the other man in your life.

Me: You're welcome, by the way. I had fun as well

Betty: <3 Don't let me interrupt your day, I'm sure you're busy

Me: Never too busy for you. It's my planning period, you're all good. How are you doing today?

Betty: I'm just fine. I'm about to head to work.

Me: You busy this evening?

Please say no, please say no...

Betty: I have a delivery to make to Polly's but I'm free after

Me: What time?

Betty: 7?

Me: Can I pick you up and bring you to dinner?

Betty: How about we meet at Polly's?

Denied. Again.

Me: If I didn't know better I'd think you didn't trust me, angel.

Betty: angel?

Me: It suits you.

Betty: Should I get used to it?

Me: Yep. I've decided.

Betty: Thank you, I think.

Betty: So will you meet me at Polly's for a late dinner? I swear I'll keep my fork on my own plate this time.

Me: Of course I'll have dinner with you.

Me: And I like it when you share my food.

Betty: You're too kind.