Page 31 of Protector

This should excite me. I should turn toward the blond and touch him, grind on him. But he’s at my back, and Adam is at my front. I can barely breathe, and my dick is trying to escape my way-too-tight jeans and attack my best friend, not giving one single fuck about the small blond at my back.

“Relax,” Adam breathes into my ear, and my body is doing anything but relaxing. It’s on high alert, every single nerve-ending standing at attention, just like my cock that is so fucking hard, it hurts.

Adam is holding onto me, but then he must take the hint from the blond stranger because he releases me just as I’m spun around. Now the blond guy is rubbing up on my front. I can’t see Adam anymore. I can’t feel him, and I don’t like it.

“My, my. Aren’t you a cutie? Let me guess, country boy coming into the big city.” The blond’s hands trail over my chest. “Oh, you’re big.” He leans into my ear, and I don’t remotely feel the way I did when Adam did the same thing. “You wanna show me just how big?”

He pulls back, his eyes a light shade of blue, blinking at me in mock innocence. I turn my head and see that Adam is back at the bar. He left me here, but he’s watching. He doesn’t look happy, but he nods his head in encouragement.

I turn to face the blond, who’s offering me what I should want.

But it doesn’t feel right. “Sorry. I uh... need to get back to my friend,” I barely manage, and the blond pouts.

His full red lips purse before he waves me off. “Your loss, sweetie.”

I don’t even think as I dart back to the bar, grab Adam’s hand, and then hightail it the hell out of there. The cold night air hits my lungs, but I don’t want to stop walking.

“What the hell, Zach?” Adam asks, but he keeps pace with me. “Are you okay?”

We make it a block away before I stop. I shove my hands in my jeans pockets because it’s fucking cold, and I wish I had my coat. “Sorry. I’m really sorry. I just... Can we please go back to the hotel?”

“Are you okay?” he asks, placing his hands on my shoulders. “Did he say something? I thought you were okay. You looked like you were having fun.”

“I was.” Sort of. I mean I was when it was Adam’s hands on me. “I just I don’t want this. I want to go back to the hotel.”

He gives me a quick nod and removes his hands from my shoulders, and I pull mine out of my pockets so we can walk faster to the hotel. Thankfully, it’s warm as soon as we walk into the lobby and climb onto the elevator.

We don’t say anything on the ride up to our room. We don’t say anything when we both walk into the room and the door closes with a click or when we both sit on our own individual beds.

I feel sick, like maybe he’s mad at me, but I couldn’t stay there. I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to do it.

“Adam...” My voice cracks, and he lifts his eyes to look at me. I don’t see anger in them. Not at all.

He moves to sit next to me on my bed, and I feel the warmth of his powerful thigh next to me, but I try to force myself to focus. “I feel like I failed you.”

“W-what?” I ask, my eyes wide as I stare at him.

“You deserve to have all the normal teenage experiences, despite living in fucking Kensley. You deserve to kiss and hook up. I thought I was helping, but if he said something...”

I put my hand on his thigh, which is a big mistake because it’s powerful and warm, and it’s hard to focus. But I try anyway. “He didn’t do anything. And you definitely didn’t do anything wrong. I know you wanted this for me...”

I don’t know what to say to him.

“I did.” His eyes close and he looks so pained. Damn it, I should have tried harder. “I didn’t like it though.”

What?His eyes open, and he’s looking directly at me. “You what?”

“I hated watching him with you. Putting his hands on you.” I’m shocked totally stupid when he brings one of his hands up and brushes his fingers over my cheek. I try not to, but I fail hard and lean right into his touch.

“You... you didn’t?” I ask dumbly.

He shakes his head, his thumb brushing over my lower lip. I have no idea what’s happening, but I’m entranced as I stare at him. “I hated it,” he whispers.

I don’t understand what he’s saying, but when he leans closer to me, his tongue darting out to lick his full, luscious lips, I’m not listening anymore. My heart pounds so damn hard in my chest, and my palms sweat like crazy as he brushes his lips against mine.

I can’t breathe. I can’t think. I can’t move. All I can do is sit here and feel. My eyes close as he moves his hand from my cheek to the back of my neck, and then he presses the sweetest kiss against my lips. We’re barely moving, but I feel the jolt of electricity.

I feel like I’m flying as he kisses me, and then finally I move. I press into him, my hand clutching his thigh as I kiss him back. My lips part, and his tongue gently sweeps inside.