Page 32 of Protector

His hand clutches my hair as he explores my mouth, and my entire body feels like it’s on fire. But just as I’m about to deepen the kiss and let my hands roam, Adam pulls back.

He looks dazed as he brings his free hand up to his mouth and drags his finger over his lips that look a little puffy from our kiss. “No more clubs.”

I nod stupidly at his words, and then he stands up and grabs his bag. “I’m going to go change, okay?”

I nod again, even slower.Because what the hell just happened?

He kissed me.


Because he was jealous?

I think about that for a moment. He said he didn’t like seeing that guy touching me, but Adam, as far as I know, isn’t interested in me like that. He isn’t interested in anyone sexually.

Was it a friendly kiss?

Or was it... oh God.My stomach rolls as I ponder that.Was it pity? Did he just want to give me my first kiss with a guy.

Adam walks out of the bathroom in sweats and a t-shirt and then grabs my bag, pulling out the same for me and tossing them to me. “Go change.”

I’m on autopilot as I do what he says, all the while thinking about that kiss because I mean, what the hell else can I think about right now?

He kissed me.

And it was the best kiss of my life.

But what if it didn’t mean the same to him? When I come out of the bathroom, Adam shuts off the light, and I climb into my bed, feeling cold and alone, despite the heat being on and Adam being in the room.

But it doesn’t last long.

I’m shocked once again when Adam lifts the covers and climbs into my bed with me, wrapping his warm, solid body around mine.

I want to ask him so many things, but he just whispers softly in my ear, “Sleep.”

And goddammit, I do. I close my eyes, and I just revel in his warmth and comfort.

It doesn’t matter why he kissed me. It really doesn’t.

Because he’s my best friend, and he’s here. I have him. And as he holds me tight, I know, no matter what, I’ll always have him one way or another.

And that’s enough for me to fall asleep with a smile on my face.



We should probably talk about that kiss. But we didn’t. We woke up this morning, got ready, checked out of the hotel, and after a quick breakfast, we headed back to Kensley.

When we get back to my parents’ house, it’s pretty chaotic with my two brothers and his two sisters running around the farm. My mom looks happy though, peaceful almost, as she sits out on the front porch, watching the kids running around.

I walk up the stairs, and she greets me with a big smile. “How was your trip? Gonna leave me for the big city?”

I snort at that and take a seat on the porch swing. I expect Zach to sit next to me, but he chooses the porch ledge instead. I try not to read anything into it before I answer my mom. “Not happening. But it was fun.”

She grins at that, already knowing my answer. She turns to focus on Zach now. “What about you, Zachary? Leaving us for the big city life?”

He shrugs, looking down at his shoes and then back at my mother. “Probably not. Not at least for ten years.” His gaze moves to his sisters, who are petting some of the barn cats that are eating up all the attention.