I need this moment. I need all the moments Soren will give me.

His hand wraps around our cocks at the same time. I curse, my entire body going rigid as he strokes us while his lips meet mine in sloppy, hurried kisses.

His naked body on my lap is short-circuiting my brain. My hands are everywhere, wanting—no needing—to explore his soft skin. He doesn’t have a lot of hair, that damn trail from his belly that goes down to a soft patch of wiry hair driving me fucking crazy, but still, he’s masculine and firm.

Everything I never thought would turn me on before is all I can think about now as my hands smooth over his back and down to his firm ass. I grip him tight, thrusting him against me, and before I even take a moment to think about it happening, I’m spilling all over his cock and his hand, crying out against his mouth in an earth-shattering orgasm.

He follows me over moments later, his lips pressed against mine as he kisses me sweetly while we both come down from the high.

He rests against my chest, and I wrap my arms around him, just holding him there. Neither of us move or speak for what feels like a really long time.

He’s the one to break the silence. “Do you want to get cleaned up?”

I feel the cum cooling between us, our bodies sticky with it, but to be honest, I don’t want to let him go. Still, I’m sure he’s uncomfortable. “Shower?” I ask, my throat hoarse from a powerful orgasm I was not quiet about.

I feel him smiling against my chest. “Together or separate? I may not have eight bathrooms, but I have two showers.”

I squeeze his left ass cheek at his teasing and grin. “Together. Gotta save the earth and all that.” He chuckles and pulls back enough to give me aReally?look, and I wink at him. “You can tell your followers I’m very concerned about the planet.”

He laughs but then sobers, his expression becoming serious. “Royal.” He brushes his hand over my cheek, his thumb sliding over my bottom lip. “I won’t ever tell anyone anything you don’t want me to.”

I see the sincerity in his eyes, and I know he means it. “I want you to be able to do your job.”

“Let’s talk about it in the shower, okay?” He climbs off my lap and holds his hand out for me. I take it, but I don’t move before my eyes sweep over his beautiful naked body. He’s not muscled or cut, not really, but he’s trim and fit. His arm muscles are slightly defined, and his stomach is smooth. His cock is spent, covered in our juices, and holy fuck, all I can think about is swiping my tongue over him to clean him, but he doesn’t give me the chance.

His cheeks flush as he pulls me up from the couch. I push my pants and briefs off all the way and leave them behind as he leads me to a bedroom I assume is his and to a nice black-and-white-styled bathroom.

I wasn’t kidding about liking his house either. Sure, it’s much smaller than mine, but it feels like an actual home. Cozy and warm with pictures throughout. The furniture is comfortable and nice.

He gets the water heated up, and I take the time to ogle his delicious backside. Huh. Have I always been into dudes? Because that is a nice ass.

Or is it just Soren?

“Are you okay?” I notice he’s turned and is now watching me with concern.

I stride to him confidently, cupping the back of his head in my hand and kissing his mouth with fervor. I may be a little confused as to why now, but I’m not confused at all about being attracted to Soren.

About wanting to kiss the hell out of him every chance I get.

He sighs against my lips and wraps his arms around me as he kisses me back, both of our cocks starting to rally already as we hold onto one another. The bathroom starts to steam up around us, and I slowly pull back away from his mouth. “Shower?”

He nods, his eyes glazed over before he seems to recover. I smile at him and take his hand, leading him into the shower. It’s not as big as the one I have at home, but it’s big enough for us, and it’s even better because it means his body is against mine, which is exactly where I want it to be.

This probably doesn’t change much for him. It was a good time, took away an itch if he hasn’t gotten laid for a while—which I don’t ask because just the thought of someone else touching him makes me want to punch something—but for me, it’s changed everything.

His lips against mine for the second time confirmed just how attracted I am to this man. And not just physically, which yes, I am. But in every other way. His honesty. His sureness. Him wanting to right all the wrongs in the world, no matter how impossible.

I spent most of last night going through all his posts like a total creeper, but it only cemented my admiration for this man.

He’s not only interested in sports. He talks about all sorts of causes—equal rights, human rights, and even animal rights. I smile at that last one, thinking about his post about the animal shelter and the kitten who now calls Soren’s home her home too.

After our hair is wet down by the cascading water, Soren grabs some shampoo that smells just like him—fucking heavenly—and reaches up, pushing his fingers through my hair, getting it nice and sudsy as it slides through my locks.

I do the same for him, reveling in the short silky hair between my fingers before we rinse and then he grabs some body wash, using his hands to clean me, paying particular attention to my stomach and washing away our dried cum.

But Soren, he doesn’t stop there. He lets the water wash away the suds, then drops to his knees, his mouth level with my cock which has fully taken notice. “Holy shit,” I barely choke out, and it’s his turn to smirk.

His hand wraps around my stiff cock, circling it in a strong hold. I want to feel his mouth on me, but I don’t want him to do anything he doesn’t want to. I lick my lips as I look between us and see his cock is standing heavy and hard between his legs, his other hand stroking himself.