My knees nearly buckle at that sight, but I haven’t seen anything yet because he chooses that moment to suck my cock into his mouth, not stopping until the head is pushing against the back of his throat.

“Holy shit,” I say again, my fingers going into his wet hair and gripping tight. “Do you not have a gag reflex.”

I may have not seen many other cocks—especially hard ones—in my life, but I know I’m not small in the dick department, nor short. He took me like it was nothing, and I swear I feel him smiling around me even as his mouth is stuffed full of my dick.

He pulls back, his tongue teasing my leaking slit before he grins up at me. “I can teach you how, if you want. Someday.” He winks at me—actually fucking winks at me—with so much confidence, I nearly come right then. But then he’s taking me back into his mouth and to the back of his throat, and I cry out, clutching his hair in my fingers again.

I hope I’m not hurting him, but somehow, I know deep down if I were and he wanted me to stop, he’d tell me.

Because Soren isn’t arrogant, but he’s something I envy so damn much more—he’s self-assured. He knows what he wants, what he likes, and what he doesn’t like. And he doesn’t hide it. Not ever.

He sucks me off expertly, his other hand jerking himself off, making his muscles flex and my knees weaker and weaker because all I can do is stand there uselessly, letting my cock slide in and out of his lush mouth. I try to warn him that I’m about to come, but he stops, his hands going to my ass and grasping tight, forcing me into the recesses of his throat, and I’m a goddamned goner. My cum spills down his throat, and he swallows around me before one hand disappears from my ass and he’s yelling my name, his cum hitting my leg and then my foot before the water washes it away.

I regret not tasting him, but when he stands, I don’t waste time, pulling him into me for a hot kiss, tasting the remnants of my release on his tongue as I do.

“You’re incredible.”

I swear he blushes at that and then shakes his head. “It was just a blow job. Don’t tell me you haven’t had one before.”

I have, but for the life of me, I can’t pull up one memory, other than the one from moments ago, and I don’t want to. “You’re incredible,” I repeat against his lips and kiss him hard before he pulls back, looking a little stunned.

He recovers, and we rinse off before we climb out of the shower and dry off with his soft, fluffy white towels.

We don’t get dressed though. We just wrap the towels around our waists, and he pulls me back to the living room, where he cozies up to my side, and I realize I don’t want to move.

I don’t want to go anywhere or run, like I normally do after a hookup. Because that’s simply not what this was.

Not at all.



Did all of this really just happen?It feels like a dream. One I most certainly don’t want to wake up from.

“So I guess we didn’t talk much in the shower,” I say and can’t help but blush lightly because that was all my fault. Once I started touching him, I didn’t want to stop until I got a taste.

And damn, did he taste good.

His big cock choking me is one memory I’ll never stop reliving, I’m positive of it. But it was the look of awe on his face that really sticks with me. The stark need and pleasure consuming his features.

He was more beautiful in that moment than anyone I’ve ever seen. But we do need to talk.

He leans back into my couch, a white towel wrapped around his waist, his firm muscular chest on full display, along with the few tattoos he has on his arms and left pec.

His arm wraps around me, and he pulls me closer to his body, confirming he isn’t running away. He’s staying put. My heart pounds rapidly in my chest as I lean into him and let my fingers slide absently over his rock-hard stomach. “What do you want to talk about?”

He sounds almost sleepy, clearly as sated as I feel, and it makes me smile. “I need you to know you can trust me. I’m not going to tell anyone anything you don’t want me to. Your permission will be required.”

I feel him tense a little, but he doesn’t argue with me or accuse me of lying to him. “You’re a reporter doing a series of stories on me. Isn’t that permission enough?”

“Not to me,” I answer him honestly. I believe in reporting the truth, I do, but this is uncharted territory for me. I’ve never had a sexual experience with someone I was reporting on before.

Not. Once.

And while I know this was a line I crossed, I won’t hurt Royal, nor will I betray his trust.

I look up at him and see his chin tilted down as he looks at me, studying me closely. “You’re allowed to have limits, Royal.”