“Thank you.” She walks over to Emma and pulls a brush out of her purse. I watch her brush Emma’s hair like she does every day for her.
After Skye leaves, I have my mom sit with Emma while I get something to eat. Skye is right. Emma is going to need me to be strong when she wakes up. I walk out into the waiting room and see my family still there. They’ve been taking shifts ever since they found out.
“Any news?” My dad looks up at me.
Shaking my head, I sit down for a second. “No, nothing yet. Mom is with her now while I get something to eat.” I look at Skye. “I did make a promise.” I give her a small smile.
“Thank you,” she mouths. She leans against Cole while he holds her tight.
Sophia’s curled up in a chair sleeping next to Bella. Bella must have fallen asleep on Mav and is using his shoulder as a pillow. Mav gives me a small smile before continuing his conversation with Cole. Mom told me Luna went home with Mimi and Papaw and will be back tomorrow after school. Mav’s parents have been coming by every day between work, and even Miss Sylvia has come by a few times bringing flowers from people around town. Looking around the room, I know she has a lot of people who love her.
“Thank you for being here, Dad. I know it would mean a lot to Emma.”
“She’s family. We wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s going to pull through this.” My dad puts his hand on my arm. “She’s strong, and she’s a fighter. If there is a way to get back to you, she will find it.”
Unable to speak, I nod. Getting up, I walk to the cafeteria, not wanting to leave the hospital. They’ve been letting me use a shower here, so Bella has been bringing me clothes when I need them. Besides the occasional walk to the outdoor commons area, I’ve been here since the ambulance ride with Emma.
I grab a chicken wrap and a bottle of water, hoping I can keep it down, and go back to Emma’s room. I walk in and see my mom talking softly to Emma. I can’t hear what she’s saying, but I see tears streaming down her face as she speaks. Clearing my throat, she looks up at me and quickly wipes her tears away.
“Hi baby, I didn’t hear you come in. Oh good, you got something to eat.” She looks at the food in my hand.
“I’m trying to stay strong for Emma.” I give her a small smile. I know she’s been worried about me. I can see the dark circles under her eyes and the worry on her face. Sitting down beside her, I look at Emma to see if I can notice any change.
“I see your book sitting there,” she says, pointing at the nightstand. “I’m glad you’re reading to her. I really believe it helps.”
“Mav brought it by earlier, and I started reading to her today. I’m willing to try anything at this point.” I go through the motions of eating and don’t taste a thing.
“Keep your faith, honey. I feel it in my soul that Emma is going to pull through this. One day you’ll be telling your grandchildren about how their grandma scared the life out of you.” She smiles softly at me.
“She’s definitely scaring the life out of me.” I get up to throw my wrapper away, feeling a little better now that I have some food in me for the first time in days.
“I’m going to let you two be alone now,” my mom says, getting up. She goes over to Emma and kisses her on the cheek before giving me a big hug. “I love you. You’re not alone in this.”
Nodding, I hug her tightly, soaking in her love and strength to get me through the night. “I love you too,” I whisper in her hair.
Pulling back, my mom touches my cheek. “Call me if there’s any change. Dad and I will be here for a little while longer, and then I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you and Emma.”
I watch my mom shut the door behind her, leaving me to the silence except for the beep from the machine. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed before I lay down next to Emma. Careful to avoid any medical wires, I curl up beside her and put my arm around her.
Breathing her in, I close my eyes and will her to come back to me. “Emma, if you can hear me, baby, please open your eyes for me. I just found you again, and I can’t lose you. I need you, Emma. You’re the other half of my heart, and it fucking hurts so much to breathe without you. Please, baby, come back to me,” I whisper, burying my face in her hair.
“I have so much I still want to do with you. I haven’t even gotten to tell you that I love you yet. Like an idiot, I waited to give you more time when I should have told you the night of the hurricane. And I do love you, Emma, so fucking much. I want to marry you and have a family together. I can already picture us playing on the beach together with our kids. Nala will love having kids to play with. Maybe, a little boy first with my blue eyes and a little girl with curls and beautiful green eyes just like her momma.
“I want to take you to waterfalls and slow dance in the kitchen with you at two in the morning, drunk on wine. I want to sit beside you on the beach when we’re in our nineties, holding hands while we watch our great-great-grandkids play in the water.”
I run my hand through her hair as tears silently fall down my face. Closing my eyes, I lay my head on her chest, needing to hear her heartbeat, needing to know that she’s still here with me.
I must have fallen asleep because the nurse wakes me up when she comes in. She smiles at me before checking Emma’s vitals. She’s my favorite nurse of Emma’s. She reminds me of my mom and has a daughter around Emma’s age, so she’s been coming to check on us both as often as she can.
“How’s our girl doing tonight?” She asks, looking at the chart and checking her IV and numbers.
“No change.” I look at Emma, still peacefully sleeping.
“Her numbers look good, and the last tests show the brain swelling is going down. That’s good news.” She smiles at me.
“I know. It’s just so hard to see her like this. I feel so helpless not being able to do anything for her but sit here.”
“That’s all she needs right now. Just be here for her. I’ve been a nurse for over twenty years, and I’ve heard lots of stories along the way. Coma patients wake up all the time saying they heard and felt their loved ones. You’re giving her a reason to fight and shining a light on the way back to you.” She pats my arm. “I’ll come back in the morning to check on you both.”