“Thank you.”
“You can thank me when she wakes up. I’m looking forward to meeting her.” She smiles at me before shutting the door.
Laying back down, I hold Emma’s hand in mine before exhaustion hits my body and pulls me under.
I dream of our house on the hill. I take Emma’s hand as we go racing across the tall green meadow. Wildflowers are blooming in abundance around us. We stop under our favorite willow tree. Beneath the low-hanging vines, we have our own private world. I bring her close and kiss her. “I love you completely,” I whisper to her as I trail kisses down her neck, savoring the taste and feel of her.
“I love you completely, too. Always,” she smiles. I lay her down on the soft grass and make love to her as our bodies become one again.
I wake up to the sun streaming in the windows. I smile and reach for Emma, only to realize I’m not in my bed but in the hospital. The dream had felt so real that I had forgotten the hell I was living in right now. I see the rise and fall of Emma’s chest and breathe a sigh of relief. I run my fingers across her face needing to feel the warmth from her body. I go to the bathroom before grabbing some coffee. Settling back in my chair, I open up my book and begin to read again.
“Should we tell her now?”My mom asks my dad excitedly.
“I guess now would be a good time.” My dad laughs at my mom’s excitement.
“Tell me what?” I ask, looking back and forth between the two of them.
“We’re able to give you a gift of sorts,” my mom says, eyes alight with joy. “Close your eyes and just let your mind be still.”
I do as she asks and close my eyes. Clearing my mind, a beautiful white light appears, sparkling like a million diamonds. A sense of calm washes over me, and a love so powerful it brings me to tears. I feel them silently fall down my cheeks as images form like a movie in my mind. I see a couple running in a field of flowers before I’m transported into her body and staring into Noah’s eyes as he twirls me around the meadow. I laugh as we fall to the ground, and he kisses me. “I love you completely,” he whispers.
“I love you completely, too, always,” I whisper back. I hearMommy, Daddybeing called. A little boy about six years old with curly brown hair and big green eyes comes running towards us. He’s holding a little girl’s hand as she tries to keep up with her small chubby legs. She’s about three with long brunette curls and big blue eyes. They come running over and jump on us, making us laugh as we tickle them. I stay in the scene a while longer before I’m shown more and more memories of Noah and I’s lifetimes together. I laugh and cry as I watch all my memories come back to me. When it’s all done, I slowly open my eyes.
“Thank you,” I whisper before hugging both of them tightly.
“You had it inside you all along. We just helped open you up to receive them. Always remember that even though you can’t see us, we’re always here with you,” my mom says, touching my heart. “Just close your eyes and imagine that beautiful light, and you’ll feel our love.”
Pulling them close, I hold them tightly. I breathe them in, knowing I’ll have to let them go soon.
“It’s time for you to wake up now, Emma. Noah needs you, and you must live for us, baby girl. Your story is just beginning.” My dad hugs me, and I breathe him in one last time.
“Remember, we’re always with you.” I bury my face in my mom’s curls, wanting to remember the way she smells and feels. My mom hugs me tightly. “We love you.”
“I love you too,” I cry, feeling their arms around me one last time.
* * *
I feelmy senses start to come back to me. I hear the beep of the machine next to me as I slowly open my eyes and blink against the light in the room. “Noah,” I whisper hoarsely.
“Emma? Oh, thank God,” I hear Noah say as he rushes to my side and kisses my lips before resting his forehead against mine. “You’re awake.” His voice cracks as I feel his tears fall on me. I look into his familiar blue eyes and see the pain and sadness behind them. He has dark circles under his eyes, and it looks like he hasn’t slept in a week. He’s got a small bandage above his left eye where he must have hurt himself during the wreck. I trace it lightly with my finger wanting to soothe it.
“I remember,” I whisper. “I remember everything,” I say as the tears silently fall down my face. “I love you completely,” I whisper, smiling through my tears.
He chokes back a sob as his beautiful face lights up. “I love you completely, too, always,” he says through tears. “You came back to me,” he breathes, wiping my tears away and burying his face in my neck.
“Always,” I whisper, breathing him in and smiling through my tears.
* * *
It’s beenover a month since the accident. The doctors say I was very lucky. The swelling in my brain went down, and I made a full recovery. I finally got Skye and Cole to fly back home after extending their trip for another week, promising I would FaceTime them every day while I recovered. Between the two of them, Bella, Sophia, Maverick, and the rest of Noah’s family stopping by every chance they can to check on me, we haven’t had much time to ourselves. Except for the nights, the nights are ours. Noah and I have talked for endless hours, wrapped in each other’s arms in bed, remembering our lives together and me seeing my parents again.
Tonight is New Year’s Eve, and we want to start our new year in our special spot, so Noah and I are planning an overnight camping trip at our lighthouse, just the two of us.
“You ready to head out?” Noah asks, nuzzling my neck.