The first half of the game goes quickly. Now that we are getting to the hard pieces, we need to be more careful. It’s Bella’s turn as she walks around the tower, trying to see what angle she wants to pull from.
“You’ve got this, Bell,” Mav whispers, bending over her to see what she’ll do.
“Stop being so close. I can’t concentrate.” She slowly moves a piece out successfully.
“Yes!” Mav says before grabbing her and spinning her around. “That’s the way to do it!”
“You are so competitive.” She laughs. “You do realize it’s only a board game, right?”
“Yeah, but there still has to be a winner, and that’ll be us,” he says excitedly.
Shaking my head, I grin. “I wouldn’t get too excited. No one has collapsed the tower yet,” I move a piece out and wave it in his face. Luna goes next and takes her time scooting another one out.
“Take that, Maverick.” She jumps up and down.
“Oh, you’re going down, little one.” He rubs his hands together and studies the tower for his next move. Bella’s phone dings as Mav looks over at her. “Really? I’m right in the middle of concentrating.”
“Sorry, it’s my date. He’s on the way to the bar.” She texts back before pocketing her phone.
“You’re still going?” Mav asks, forgetting about the tower.
“Of course, this game will be over soon.” She points to the tower. “It’s your turn.”
“I know it’s my turn.” He clenches his jaw and turns back toward the tower. “I just don’t like the fact that I don’t know this guy,” he mumbles.
“Not this again.” She rolls her eyes. “I’ll be fine.”
“Whatever,” he says under his breath. Scrunching his eyebrows together, he seems more irritated than concentrating on his next move. He slides a piece out, and the tower collapses.
“Yes! We win!” Luna claps her hands. “Who’s the winner now, huh?” She grins at Mav.
Mav sends Luna a small smile. “Good job, Lunabug. I’ll have to get you next time.” He turns to me. “I’m going to head out, but I’ll see you guys on Thanksgiving. We’re still on for camping on Friday night, right?”
“Definitely,” I tell him as he hugs Emma bye.
“Are you ok?” I hear Emma ask him softly as she puts her hands on his forearms.
“I’m fine. I might have to check my phone and see who’s available tonight to cheer me up after losing to you, though,” he teases.
Emma studies him before nodding her head and letting him go. We help Luna pick up the game before saying our goodbyes.
Driving back to Noah’s,I can’t help but replay Maverick’s actions tonight. Mimi has caught on to it, too. I’ve tried to bring it up to Bella, but she’s denying there’s anything there other than Maverick being an annoying older brother to her. I’m not buying it. Looking over at Noah, I wonder if I should say anything or just sit back and watch this unfold.
“What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” Noah asks, always knowing me so well.
Not wanting to keep anything from him, I decide to let him in on my thoughts and see what his reaction is. “I was just thinking that maybe the reason Maverick is getting so angry all the time might not have to do with just being protective about Bella. There might be something more to it.”
“What do you mean?” He looks at me before turning his attention back to the road.
“Maybe he likes her.” I wait for his reaction.
“Of course, he likes her,” Noah laughs. “They’ve known each other their whole lives.”
“No, I mean, helikes likesher. I think his anger could be jealousy.”