Page 76 of Connected By Souls

Dad and Papaw are right. I’ll know when the time is right to take the next step. In the meantime, I’m just going to keep enjoying every moment that we have together now. Walking up to Emma, I give her a kiss before sitting down next to her at the table.

“You guys didn’t eat all the enchiladas, did you?” I hear Mav ask as he walks out back with a margarita in his hand.

“I thought you might show up,” my mom says, laughing and giving Mav a hug. “We just sat down to eat, so there’s plenty.”

“I would have been here sooner, but I stayed later at the store tonight because a big shipment came in.” Looking at Bella, he asks, “Can you film tomorrow? I’ve got some new items I want to get shots of.”

“As long as it’s not too early. I’m supposed to go out later tonight for drinks. Noon okay?” she asks, taking a bite of her meal.

“Drinks? With who?” He stops filling his plate to look at her.

“You don’t know him.” She takes another bite.

“Him?” He turns to look at my dad. “Are you ok with this, Jax? I mean, it’s awfully late to be going for drinks with someone we’ve never met.”

“She’s twenty-four, Maverick,” my dad says, laughing. “We’ve raised Bella right, and she’s got a good head on her shoulders. If she wants to have drinks with him, then I trust her judgment. She knows she can always call one of us if she ever needs our help.”

“Areyouok with this?” Mav asks, looking at me.

“I agree with Dad. Bella’s a smart girl and can take care of herself. If I gave her a hard time over every guy she talks to, I wouldn’t have a life of my own,” I laugh.

“Very funny. I don’t talk tothatmany guys,” she says as we all bust out laughing. “Oh, come on. It’s not like I sleep with them all. I can’t help it if guys come up to me and ask me out. A lot of them are just friends.”

“A straight guy can never be friends with a girl that looks like you. If they say they just want to be friends, they’re lying and hoping you’ll change your mind one day,” Mav says.

“I agree with Mav on this one. It’s just not possible, but as long as you’re upfront about not feeling that way towards them, then it’s on them if down the line they try something and you have to end the friendship.”

“Guy friends are just way less drama, but yeah, I’ve never given them a reason to think I like them more than friends,” she sighs.

“So, is the guy tonight just a friend?” Mav asks, looking at her from across the table.

“I haven’t decided yet.” She shrugs her shoulders.

“Someone’s been very protective lately,” Mimi says, eyeing Mav over her drink.

“Me? No, I’m the same way with Sophia. You just can’t trust people today.” Mav mumbles into his drink.

“Mm-hmm.” Mimi looks at Mav with a knowing smile.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Mav asks, looking at Mimi.

“Oh, nothing, dear, you’re probably right. You never can tell what people’s intentions are.” She tries to hide a smile as she takes another sip of her margarita.

“Exactly my point,” he says, roughly stabbing a piece of his enchilada before taking a bite.

I look over at Emma, and she’s trying to hide a smile too. What am I not seeing? My mom changes the subject, thank God, and we plan for Thanksgiving as we finish the rest of the meal.

With the kitchen cleaned up, I make a fresh pitcher of margaritas before heading back outside by the fire. Mom is setting up a two-foot-tall Jenga game on the table. Silently thanking Luna that it’s not headbands, I join her to give her a hand. Mimi and Papaw have already said their goodbyes and headed upstairs to watch the latest episode of one of their TV shows. We decide to split into three teams to make it more fun. Emma and I are on a team against Bella and Maverick, and Mom and Dad are taking turns on a team with Luna.

“We are so going to crush you,” Mav says, grinning as we wait for Luna to come back outside.

“I don’t know, I’m very good with my hands, and this game is all about being steady.” I wink at Emma.

“Eww,” says Bella. “I don’t need to know how good my brother’s hands are.”

“I’m sure he gets it from me,” my dad says, winking at my mom.

“Oh, my God! Double eww,” she says as we all bust out laughing.