Page 75 of Connected By Souls

“What’s with all thehmmm’s?”

“What? Oh, sorry, I was thinking about the whole situation and trying to understand it. They’ll figure it out eventually if they don’t kill each other first.”

“Agreed, let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” We both laugh as we grab the bags in the back and head inside.

The girls are making guacamole and pico de gallo when we walk in. Smiling at Luna, I grab her in a big bear hug. “Hi, baby girl. How was dance class this week?”

“So good. We’re doing a Christmas show this year, and I got the lead solo!” She says excitedly.

“That’s great! I’m so proud of you.” I grin at her.

“You and Emma will be there, right?” She looks at us both.

“We wouldn’t miss it,” says Emma giving her a big hug. “I’m so proud of you too. I know how hard you’ve been practicing.”

“Thanks. My friend Ava and I have been practicing at Momma’s studio when she doesn’t have classes. Ava got a solo, too, so we’ve been helping each other out.”

I mix the margarita ingredients and look at Luna. “I love that you guys can practice together.”

“Me too. The extra practices are helping.” She stirs the lime oil into the guacamole.

Handing Mom and Mimi their margaritas, I get a hug from them before giving Bella her drink. “How’s work going?” I ask her.

“Good. I’m landing more business accounts in the area to manage their social media content, so I’ve been busy filming and editing. It’s picking up as word gets out.” She takes a sip of her drink.

“Well, you’ve done an amazing job for my books. I love the video edits you put together for me. The views keep increasing, and most of my readers find me through your social media content.”

“I’m glad I can help. Not everybody has a secret famous brother.” She fans herself and bats her eyelashes at me.

“I’m just glad you agreed to do it. I love to write, but the social media part, not so much,” I laugh. “How’s Mav’s surf shop going?” I ask, deciding to change the subject. “He said you guys have been filming a lot together lately.” I catch Emma’s eye as she helps Mimi chop tomatoes for the pico de gallo. I know she’s curious, too, about what’s going on between them.

“As good as can be expected,” she says grumpily. “He’s been very hard to work with lately. His moods are unpredictable. One minute he’s happy, and the next, he’s storming off because I get a text message from someone he doesn’tapproveof. I wish he would stop trying to be my dad or an annoying older brother. I already have one of those,” she teases.

“Ha ha. I know he cares about you, so no matter how annoying he gets, know it comes from him wanting to protect you.”

“I guess.” She rolls her eyes.

“Dinner will be done in twenty,” my mom says as she closes the oven door. She looks at me and points to the plates. “Why don’t you set the table outside and see if Dad and Papaw want a drink while we finish here.”

“Will do.” I grab the plates and silverware on the counter. I set them on the table outside before walking over to the fire. The weather in November can still be warm during the day, but the nights have been cooler lately. I remember, one Christmas, I got a new surfboard, and it was hot enough to use it that day. On other Christmases, we were bundled and cold. You just never know with Florida weather. The weather should be perfect camping temperatures, though, when Cole and Skye arrive Tuesday.

“Hi, Dad, Papaw.” I hand them their drinks and sit down with them.

“Hey buddy, how’s everything going with you,” my dad asks, sipping his margarita.

“Everything is going great. I’m almost done with my first draft rewrites, so the book is on track to be released in the Spring. The repairs on the house I’m restoring are almost done, so I should be able to list it soon.” I’ve cut way back on my handyman jobs and have been referring people to someone else I know in town. I don’t need the job distraction anymore now that I'm with Emma. I like spending as much time with her as possible when she’s not working.

Papaw looks over and smiles at me. “I’m just happy to see you so happy. Emma sure did bring light into your eyes that I never knew was missing.”

“She’s the best. I thought her being my girlfriend would be enough for me, but these last couple of months have been the best time of my life, and I want so much more. I don’t want to waste any more time getting started on our life. I want her at my house permanently and for us to eventually start a family. I don’t know if it’s too soon for her,” I admit.

“Just talk to her son. I can see the way she looks at you, and it’s the real deal. She may be just as ready as you, but you’ll never know until you bring up the future with her. I didn’t know your mom very long either, same with Mimi and Papaw. I guess it’s inevitable that you wouldn’t be any different,” he chuckles.

“Yeah, I guess. Maybe I’ll talk to Skye and Cole about it next week and get their input.

“Sounds like a plan to me. In the meantime, enjoy every moment because before you know it, you’ll be an old man like me, wondering where the time has gone.” Papaw laughs.

“Papaw’s right. It’ll all work out the way it’s meant to and at the right time. Just enjoy the ride. We better get over there. I see your mom waving at us to come.”