For months after, I felt guilty if something made me laugh or smile, knowing they weren’t here to enjoy it, or worse, wondering why Icouldeven laugh with them being gone. I questioned myself more times than I can count how I could laugh with Skye about something while my parents’ ashes were in a box in my closet because I couldn’t look at them.
The guilt and fear aren’t there anymore with Noah. Since my talk with Skye, something has lifted. I can almost hear my mom saying,Live honey, grab onto these feelings with Noah, and don’t look back. Be happy and laugh as much as you can. We’re right there with you, enjoying the ride.Opening my eyes, I swipe at the tears that form, but for the first time in a year, they’re tears of happiness and gratitude.
Enjoying the sunrise, I sip my coffee and notice two surfers in the distance. I watch the graceful way they ride the waves before they paddle back out and do it all over again. I’m mesmerized by how they disappear in the barrels before coming out on the other side. I can’t imagine how that feels to be inside a wave while your hand glides across the glassy water. Only a few ever get to experience that high.
Watching them for a few more runs, I hear a dog bark and realize Nala is also on the beach watching the surfers. Is that Noah and his friend Mav out there? He said something about surfing this morning, but I didn’t realize he was surfing right in front of our houses. Putting my hand up to shade my eyes, I try to get a better glimpse, but they’re so far out that I can’t tell. A few others paddle out, and it’s impossible to tell who is who. Now would be a good time to own those stalker binoculars.
Nala begins to run back and forth excitingly at the shoreline and stops in front of my house. Perking her ears, she must pick up my scent or senses me. She turns and sees me in the distance, racing full-on toward my deck. Bounding up the stairs, I’m met with excited kisses as she climbs all over me. Laughing, I give her kisses back and scratch behind her ears.
“How’s my favorite dog doing today?” I coo. I go inside to get her a water bowl, since she left hers down at the beach, and grab a blanket and my latest Beck book. Laying the soft blanket down, she licks happily at the water before turning in circles and settling down on her makeshift bed. Smiling, I sit back down and begin to read as the sun makes its way higher in the sky.
I’m so engrossed in my book that I’m startled when I hear, “She never leaves the shoreline when I’m in the water, and here I thought it was because I was her favorite person.”
Looking up, I see Noah shirtless in board shorts, still wet from the water, standing on my deck. My heart speeds up just looking at him. We make eye contact as he winks at me, and I smile back. Tearing my gaze from him, I notice his friend by his side. I widen my eyes as I take a look at him. It’s the guy from the hardware store that wanted to be my tour guide.
“Oh shit,” I hear him say as he breaks out into a grin, finding this funny. “So this is why you turned me down.”
“Turned you down? You guys know each other?” Noah asks, looking back and forth between the two of us.
“Sort of.” I stand up and walk over to Noah. “Remember the guy I told you about at the hardware store that wanted to be my tour guide?”
“Yeah,” he says, not following along.
“I’m the tour guide. At your service,” Mav says, bowing and grinning like an idiot.
“You're the guy from the hardware store? You hit on Emma?” Noah asks wide-eyed.
“Well, to be fair, I didn’t know she wasyourEmma. I didn’t even get her name. And she turned me down, which says a lot because that rarely happens, so she must be really into you.”
Unable to help myself, I start laughing, and Mav joins in.
“I’m not finding this very funny.” Noah looks at the both of us, which makes us laugh even harder.
“It is kind of funny.” I wipe the tears from my eyes. “I mean, what are the odds?”
“Ok, so it’s a little funny,” Noah says, trying not to laugh. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Mav hit on a beautiful girl.”
“Hey, can you blame me? She’s hot,” Mav says, winking at me.
“Yeah, I’m well aware of the fact.” Noah looks sternly at Mav before turning to me, his face going soft. “Thanks for taking care of Nala.”
“She’s a sweetheart. She just came running over here like she knew exactly where I lived.”
“Probably because Noah stalks your house on his early morning runs with her every day,” Mav laughs.
Noah rolls his eyes at Mav. “I do not stalk her house. I have to go by it when I run because there’s no other way for me to run the beach if I don’t.”
“If you say so, dude,” Mav chuckles. “Just keep telling yourself that so you can sleep at night.”
Grinning at the two of them as they go back and forth, I can’t help but admire these two side by side. Similar in height, they both have a great build from working out and surfing. While Noah’s hair is dark and shorter, Mav has dark blond hair with golden streaks hitting just at chin level. His green eyes are striking against his tanned skin, while Noah’s eyes remind me of the ocean hues.
Like Noah, he has tattoos up one arm but has a couple more on his chest. I can’t imagine why these two haven’t been snatched up already. It’s like looking at two sun gods that have been made to perfection. Looking at Mav, though, I can appreciate his beauty, but that’s where it ends. I don’t feel the pull I feel with Noah. I instantly gravitate toward Noah in a way I’ve never felt before.
Meeting his blue eyes now, I smile as he reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ears, his fingers lingering before pulling away. Blushing, I look away before they both notice the effect that simple touch has on me.
“You two really need to do something about this sexual tension. I can feel it way over here, and it’s gettingmehot and bothered.” Mav fans himself grinning wickedly at us. Feeling myself go beet red, I nervously laugh.
“Ignore my ass of a friend. He has no filter and makes it his mission to shock the hell out of people just for fun.” Noah lightly smacks Mav on the side of the head.