“Ow! What was wrong with what I said?” Mav rubs his head with a scowl on his face. “You’re a good-looking dude, and Emma’s a knockout. I’m just helping you both along so you don’t combust. Sex is good for the soul and makes everything better. I’m just trying to help,” he mumbles as he takes a seat on one of the lounge chairs.
“Jesus, Mav,” Noah frustratedly runs his fingers through his hair. Mav just grins at him.
“Remind me to hug your moms when I see them again. You two must have been something growing up. They deserve a medal,” I laugh as they both grin at each other. The stories these boys probably have. “Do you guys want anything to drink? Water? I have some coconut water, too, or some flavored sparkling water.
“I’ll take some coconut water, thanks.” Mav pets Nala, who came over to sit by him.
“I’ll help you,” Noah says, following me to the kitchen. Walking to the fridge, Noah grabs my hand and drags me to the living room, pinning me up against the wall out of view from Maverick. Before I can even say anything, his lips are on mine. His hands find my hair as he threads his fingers through it. I can taste the salt on his lips from the water and smell the hint of coconut sunscreen on his warm body. His tongue explores mine as we greedily take what we need. I run my hands along his chest, needing to feel more of him. I hear him groan as he lifts me, putting my legs around his waist. My back against the wall, he finds bare skin under my sleep shorts as he grabs my ass and presses us closer together. I moan against the sensation of having him this close, feeling his hardness through my thin shorts. It’s almost more than I can bear. Reaching up, I put my hands in his soft hair needing to hold onto something.
“God, I wanted to do that the moment I came up the stairs and saw you.” He breaks the kiss and breathes hard. “I want you so bad. Please tell me you feel the same.”
“I do,” I whisper. “I‘ve never wanted anything so much in my life. Mav is right. I’m about to combust.”
“Well, that makes two of us. Maybe I should send him home. He’ll be okay if we don’t go back in the water today. He’s at the top of my shit list for hitting on you anyway.”
“We can’t do that to him,” I giggle. “He’s right, you know. I did turn him down because I’m into you and only you.” I look into his baby blues.
Putting his forehead to mine, he lowers his voice. “I’m into you too, and only you.” He kisses me softly again. “As much as I love to surf with him, I would rather be doing this right now.” He sounds like a kid who got his candy taken away.
“Look who’s pouting now?” I laugh at his cute pouty face.
“Ha ha.” He tries to hide his smile but fails. “I find this outfit very cute, and the messy bun is sexy as hell.” He takes in my pj’s and fingers the straps of my tank top. “Flamingos and now cows, what’s next? Dinosaurs?” He asks, grinning.
I laugh at my outfit with the cow on the tank and matching cow-printed shorts.
“Yeah, you caught me in my best look. Straight out of bed.”
“It’s definitely your best look especially if it’s my bed that you are getting out of,” his eyes burn into mine. Sighing, he says, “We better get back out there, or Mav will have more to tease us with.”
“You’re probably right.” He slowly lowers me to the ground causing me to rub against his hard length. I bite my lip to stop the moan.
His eyes turn heated as he leans down and frees my lip with his teeth. I can’t help the moan that escapes me from how sexy that was. He pulls back and groans. “You’ve got to tell me something nonsexy.”
“What?” I ask, confused.
“I need you to put images in my head that have nothing to do with you so I can walk out there.” He looks down at his board shorts, and you can clearly see how excited he is. “I’ll never hear the end of it if I walk out there like this. These shorts are too thin.”
I try to stifle my laugh and fail.
“It’s not funny,” he says, clearly trying to hide his smile. “I can’t be so close to you, or this will never work.” He takes a step back.
“Um, ok. Remember Mrs. Woodbury, who likes to look at your butt. That was a turn-off for you. Just picture her looking at you.”
He closes his eyes, and I giggle. Opening one eye slightly, he glares at me. “Even your giggle is sexy. No talking or giggling.”
I put a hand over my mouth and cover my laugh. After a moment, he opens his eyes. “Ok, that worked,” he says, looking relieved. “We can go back out now.”
I try to contain my laughter as we go to the kitchen and grab the waters. We head back outside, and I hand Maverick his coconut water.
“Did you have to climb the palm tree in your front yard to get this coconut water? It took forever.” Looking us up and down, he busts out laughing. “You guys couldn’t look any more guilty unless you had,I just had a sexy make-out sessionwritten on your forehead.”
Looking down at my clothes, I see nothing out of place. I look over at Noah’s shorts to see if any evidence came back, and I don’t see any. I look up and notice his hair is sticking out in all directions. I feel my hair and realize my bun is halfway down my head, and pieces are falling down everywhere. We both look at each other and bust out laughing. “Oh my God, our hair.” Tears fall down my face as I laugh.
I fix my bun while Noah smooths his hair out. “So much for not being teased.” I hear Noah say.
“Nothing gets by me, especially if it involves sex or, in this case, almost sex. Speaking of sex, you read Beck Hunter’s books?” Mav asks, holding my book up that I was reading earlier.
“Yes, I love Beck. She’s my favorite. That’s why I jumped when you guys came up. I get so absorbed in the characters that I block out everything around me.”