The slow song ends, and I lead her back to the table. I pull out her stool, and she sits down, smiling at me.
“Thanks for the dance. Your arms felt so good around me.” This isn’t the first time I’ve been hit on, and I know she’d leave with me in a heartbeat if I asked her. I haven’t been able to feel anything lately with any girl, and it’s gotten worse recently. My body only wants one girl and refuses to participate unless it’s her.
Not wanting to lead her on, I take a sip of my drink. “I should probably head home soon. I’m fishing early in the morning, and it’s getting late.” Mav comes up behind me and slaps me on the back.
“You’re not leaving this early. It’s only nine, grandpa.” I can tell Mav is feeling pretty good with the way he slurs some of his words. “The band promised me I could do one more song. You have to stay for the grand finale, at least.”
“I’ll stay for that, but then I’m done for the night. You have to get up early, too, you know.” Mav and I are going offshore fishing in the morning with my dad.
“I know, I know. Just a few more songs, and then you can drive me home. Rusty will be cool with me leaving my truck here.” Mav laughs and pulls the redhead to the dance floor again as he shakes his ass off to an upbeat tune.
Grinning at his dance moves, I ask Taylor if she wants a drink. I feel it’s the least I can do since I shut her down.
“I’m good. I’m going to head back over to my friends. It was nice to meet you, Noah.”
“It was nice to meet you too. Safe travels back home.” I watch her walk away feeling a bit bad that I didn’t reciprocate the feelings. Sighing, I finish the rest of my drink and wait for Mav to do his grand finale thing.
I dropMav off at his apartment on my way home. I knew he had a lot to drink tonight, but I had no idea his grand finale would be taking off his shirt while belting outI’m Too Sexy.I knew it was time to call it a night after that. The girls were not happy with me when I dragged him away, especially the redhead.
Nearing my house, I notice the lights on in the Murphy’s cottage. Someone must have finally moved in. I see an older blue Bronco sitting in the driveway. I saw it earlier as it passed by the restaurant. I slow down to take a look at the beautiful restoration job. I’ve been thinking about getting one to use around town for fun but haven’t made the time to look for one. Maybe the guy will be cool, and let me check it out sometime.
Slamming on the breaks, my chest tightens. Sweat breaks out on my forehead as visions of her come rushing back. I slide into her from behind in one hard thrust as she screams my name. A name I’ve been called before in a different lifetime. Another vision comes with her on the beach naked in our private spot we found earlier that summer. Blond hair splays on the beach towel as I slowly enter her. Her back arches as she gasps and grabs my ass pulling me deeper. She’s on her knees now with fiery red hair and those piercing green eyes that hold my stare as her beautiful full lips surround my swollen tip, already dripping with precum, ready to sink into that gorgeous mouth.
Slowing my breathing, I make myself take deep breaths until my heart rate evens out. What the fuck? It’s never been intense like this when I’m awake. Pushing on the gas, I slowly drive up the hill to my house. It’s going to be a long night. I need a cold shower as I adjust the heat straining against my jeans, begging her to release me from this hell.
Nothing preparesme for the gorgeous view I see when I open my eyes. The sun is just now starting to rise as I watch the beautiful rays of light first touch the water. After a night of tossing and turning, I can’t wait to have a cup of coffee out on the deck. Wearing only my favorite faded t-shirt of my dad’s, I make my way to the kitchen to try and find which boxes have my parents’ coffee maker in them. I almost donated it before coming but knew I’d need it on the first day.
Locating the boxes labeled kitchen, I find what I’m looking for, along with my favorite mug of the three of us. I had a goofy photo of us printed on it as a gag gift for my mom’s birthday one year. I must have been around the age of seven with my hair in pigtails as Mom and Dad kissed both my cheeks, giving my face the look of a squished fish. I couldn’t help but laugh every time I saw her using it, but she insisted it was her favorite way to start the day.
Grabbing my freshly brewed coffee, I go to the cottage doors and step out onto the deck. My hair blows in the breeze as I sit on one of the lounge chairs. Seagulls are flying overhead and searching for little critters along the beach. I notice a few people doing early morning walks or runs, but for the most part, it’s quiet.
A dog barking catches my attention, and I can make out a golden retriever in the distance in front of the house on the hill. Someone is throwing a ball, and the dog’s excited barks have me laughing. You can tell how happy the golden is with its tail wagging and jumping around the owner’s feet. Something about the scene is familiar, but I have no idea why. My dad was allergic to dogs, so we never owned one growing up, but I always secretly wanted one.
I watch the owner and dog in the distance while sipping my coffee. Surprised, I see them turn and head to the stairs that lead up to the house on the hill. They must live there. I’m happy I’ll be able to see the dog again, knowing we’re neighbors. I see the owner stop and turn, looking in my direction. It feels like he is looking directly at me, piercing my soul, but he’s too far away for me to know for sure. My body becomes flushed with desire making my heart rate quicken. I press my thighs together to ease the ache that is starting to form. I’m being pulled in his direction, unable to look away. I place a hand on my heart, willing it to slow down as he finally breaks the contact and continues their way up the stairs. Heat starts to leave me, and my breathing steadies.
After this past year, is this where I finally lose it? I feel like I’m slowly going crazy with these intense feelings that keep popping up. Confused about what just happened, I shake my head to try and clear it. I get up to refill my empty mug as I walk back inside. I have a lot I need to get done before Monday, and I need all the caffeine I can get.
The morning flies by,and I’ve unpacked and put away almost everything. Books line the built-in cabinets that frame the fireplace, although I find it funny that most of the houses in Florida have fireplaces. A lot of them are more for the ambiance, I suppose. The mantle is filled with my favorite pictures of my parents and my best friend Skye and me. I put my favorite throw Mom gave me for Christmas one year over the couch, and I hang the painting of Crystal Isle’s historic beachside that my parents had bought many years ago on vacation. Pulling out my phone, I add a few items to my notes that I need to get in town and notice I missed a call from Skye. Dialing her number, I walk out back to the deck.
“It’s about time you called me back!” I hear Skye answer loudly on the first ring.
“Hello to you too.” I walk down the wooden steps that lead to the beach. Loving the feel of the sand beneath my feet, I walk to the water’s edge. “Sorry, I was busy all morning unpacking and must have had my phone on silent.”
“I’m just checking to make sure you haven’t gotten murdered since the last time I talked to you.”
“I’m still good, just like I said in the last text I sent you last night and early this morning,” I laugh.
“I know I’m being overprotective, but I can’t help it. I’ve been so worried about you this past year. I wish I could’ve helped you move and get settled, but with school starting, I couldn’t get out of work.” I hear her sigh over the phone.
“It’s fine, really. I completely understand. Your kindergarten students need their favorite teacher.” I put my feet in the warm water and wiggle my toes. I need to take a swim later for some saltwater therapy.
“How’s everything going so far?”
“I’m doing better than I have in a long time. This place is just like I remember. I drove through town last night, and you wouldn’t believe it, Skye, it’s so beautiful here. They even have that smoothie place still open that my parents and I used to go to.” Smiling, I start walking the beach.