Page 4 of Connected By Souls

“What’s the point of being your own boss if you can’t do what you want? Besides, Luna’s been helping me out, and I’m getting the work done twice as fast now.”

“Luna’s twelve. Isn’t that like child labor?” I ask, raising my eyebrows.

“You know she loves to surf. I can’t keep that girl out of the water. She’s like my mini-me, and I love it.” He laughs. “She begged me to let her help out around the shop in exchange for a new surfboard that she’s been eyeing.”

Luna does love to surf. When she was little, she always told everyone she was part mermaid. She’s been in the water before she could walk and begs us to let her tag along whenever we surf. If she’s not in the water, she’s dancing. Even on land, her movements are as fluid and beautiful as the most perfect wave.

“Well, let’s hope the mini-me part extends to surf only. I don’t need to beat off the boys when she’s a little older.”

Laughing, Mav nods in agreement. “I’ll be right there with you. Poor Luna doesn’t stand a chance at dating.”

Ordering our drinks, we wait as the bartender fills our glasses before heading to our favorite spot overlooking the water. They had a great design when they built this place. With the bar in the middle, there’s seating around the bartender’s bar top and wooden tables for those who would like a more dining experience. Around the deck’s perimeter is another bar top and stools, so you can sit and face the water, where Mav and I sit. Wooden stairs lead up to an upper deck with the same setup. They have indoor seating, too, but we never use it, preferring to be by the water.

“Rough day?” He eyes my bourbon as I take a sip. One of the perks of a small town is that you usually know the owners and can put in special requests. For days like today, I’m always thankful that my favorite bourbon, Blantens, is hidden under the bar.

“I’ve just been on edge lately, and I can’t help shake the feeling that something big is about to happen. My dreams are becoming more and more intense, and it’s like I don’t know what’s reality and what’s not.”

“Listen, man, I know you’ve been dealing with these dreams since we were little, and hell, it’s done you good with turning them into a successful career, but you’ve got to start living in the present. She’s not real. She’s just these stories that you have in your head. You’re never going to be happy if you’re trying to compare her to every girl you meet. The right one is out there for you, but you have to get out there and try if you’re going to find her.”

I know what he’s saying makes sense. Even if what Bella is saying is true and my dreams are memories of past lives, who’s to say our story in this life will be a good one? Lord knows I’ve had my fair share of nightmares where I lose her. This couldn’t be the way it ends, could it? Rubbing the tightness in my chest, I take another sip of bourbon.

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I need to start dating some and see what’s out there.”

“That’s what I’m talking about! Even though I don’t date, I’ll make an exception for you and do a double date to ease you in. I’m sure this girl, Amber, who I’ve been with a couple of times, has a friend. Man, you’re in for a treat if she's anything like Amber. She does this thing where she puts her legs…”

I hold up my hand. “I’m going to stop you right there. I’m starving and ready to order dinner, and I have a feeling I’ll lose my appetite if images of you naked are in my head.”

He grins, flexing his muscles and straining his chest against his t-shirt. “Dude, that would be the best thing to enter into your thoughts in a long time. This body is perfection, but I can see how picturing me naked may make you feel inferior, so I understand why you wouldn’t want to succumb yourself to that.”

This boy never stops. “Yeah, okay. We’re going to agree to disagree on this one.” Signaling the waitress over to place our orders, I shake my head and laugh.

After dinner, I sip on bourbon, watching Mav take over the band’s mic. The band knows us, so they have no problem letting him sing some karaoke for the locals. I laugh when he goes into his country version ofGin and Juice. The locals cheer him on, which only fuels his dancing moves.

“Is this seat taken?”

I turn my head and see a pretty blond gesturing toward Mav’s empty stool.

My first instinct is to tell her it’s taken, but I remember my earlier conversation with Mav and decide to listen to him for once.

“No, it’s all yours.” Smiling, she sits down. She must be around twenty-five. Her long blond hair is down her back, and she’s wearing a cute sundress.

“I’m Taylor, by the way.”

“I’m Noah. It’s nice to meet you, Taylor. Are you from around here?”

“I’m on vacation with some girlfriends.” She points to the bar, and a group of girls giggle and wave to us. “Are you from around here?”

Smiling, I wave back. “Yeah, I grew up here.” I look up at the stage and see Mav winking at me. Trying not to roll my eyes at him, I turn my attention back to Taylor.

“You’re so lucky. I love this town. I would move here in a heartbeat if I could.” She leans forward, displaying her low-cut dress for me. I glance down, wanting to feel something, anything, but I don’t.

“And now, I’m going to turn it over to the band for a slow song for all you lovebirds out there.” Mav winks at me again before handing the microphone to the lead singer. What the hell are you doing, Mav? I see him walk over to Taylor’s girlfriends and grab the redhead to dance with.

I look over at Taylor, and she’s looking at me with hopeful eyes. Shit. I guess one dance won’t hurt. Maybe it will spark something for me. I hold out my hand to Taylor, “Do you want to dance?”

“Yes!” She jumps up and grabs my hand as I lead her to the small dance area by the band. A few couples are already slow dancing. I spot Mav grinning like an idiot at me. I shake my head at him and pull Taylor close. She puts her arms around my neck and sighs against my chest.

I try to be present and focus on the feel of Taylor in my arms. I take in her slender body and pretty blue eyes. Any guy would be lucky to have her in his arms. Then why am I not feeling a thing? It feels all wrong. Even the eye color is all wrong. Closing my eyes, I see beautiful green eyes staring back at me. Eyes that haunt me every fucking day of my life. Will any girl ever be good enough and make me feel like she does?