“She’d tell you to come give it to her yourself in person.”
“I’ll do that,” I say. “I’ll take the girls around before school starts up again.”
“Night, man.” Bryan lifts a hand in the air and heads for the staircase.
“Night,” I say.
Turning, I watch Lace and Shaina for a moment more, marveling that the only two women I ever loved get along so well. Then I get my ass upstairs.
I have plans for my woman later, but first I have to check on my daughters.
* * *
I stop outside Peace’s room. Harmony is inside with her.
“He loves you best.” Peace hugs her favorite pillow that saysreading rocks. I bought her that one.
“That’s not true.” Harmony drops down on the end of her sister’s bed.
I can see them both clearly since Peace’s door isn’t fully closed. It’s past their bedtime, but I don’t barge inside and get onto them. Instead, I continue to eavesdrop from my spot in the hall.
“He wouldn’t have yelled at you for being in his studio,” Peace mutters.
“Did he yell at you?” Harmony’s eyes grow large.
“Not really,” Peace says with a shrug. “But he was really mad at me.”
“Mr. Jackson took away Bo’s headphones.” Harmony winces.
Peace frowns. “He just got those for Christmas.”
“Yeah.” Harmony nods somberly. “Bo’s pretty mad.”
“How do you know?”
“Because he told me.” Harmony smooths her hands down her designer jeans. “He asked me to come over and check on you.”
“You were in his room?” Peace tilts her head. “Just now?”
“I wondered where you were.”
Harmony’s gaze narrows. “Bo likes you, you know.”
“I like him too.” Peace sits up a little straighter.
“More than just as a friend, I think.” Harmony’s lips purse as if that idea is distasteful to her.
Tension tightens my gut. I get that kids grow up quicker nowadays, but getting it doesn’t mean I won’t do everything in my power to stop it. I want my girls to stay my girls.
Harmony huffs out a breath. “He sat really close to you at dinner. I saw him holding your hand under the table.”
“Only because he knew I was upset. He’s really nice.” Peace’s eyes warm and her cheeks turn pink. “He wants me to finish reading theBoxcarstory to him.”
“Why doesn’t he just read it himself?” Harmony asks.
Peace presses her lips flat. I know she knows why, but she’s keeping it from Harmony. That surprises me. I can’t remember Peace ever keeping anything from her sister.