“I remember you being a force to be reckoned with,” Bryan adds.

“I’m still a force.” I have the people in my life that I need. Fuck anyone who doesn’t understand me.

“I know a man who from the moment I met him has always done the best he can.” Shaina glances at me again. The approval in her eyes makes me feel almost as good as I do when I’m inside her. “You’re too hard on yourself.”

“Thanks, sweetness.”

My features revealing my infatuation, I tuck a strand of her satiny hair behind her ear. It’s grown long, down to her waist again. She’ll cut it soon and donate the locks in memory of her sister. She does that every year at this time.

Bryan’s gaze becomes reflective. “Our kids don’t have the financial struggles we did. I’m glad they don’t. It’s difficult enough figuring out life and who you want to be.”

“I agree.” Took me a hell of a lot longer than most to figure my shit out. “I suggest making sure Bo knows you’re on his side.”

Back in the day, I didn’t have anyone a hundred percent in my corner except Bryan and then Shaina. Feeling like you’re all alone and not really good enough to be accepted by anyone does some serious damage.

“I do that.” Bryan wrinkles his nose.

“Maybe do it more.” I press the issue, thinking about how hard I was on Peace. With her head always in whatever story she’s reading, she has difficulty fitting in. Like Bo. Like I did.

Damn. I need to talk to her again.

I squeeze Shaina’s shoulder while looking at Bryan and Lace. “Really like having you guys around.”

“We should get the families together every year,” Bryan says.

“Agree.” I nod. “Let’s make it happen. But I gotta hit the sack tonight. I’m wiped.”

“Going to check on the girls, aren’t you?” Shaina asks, her expression amused.

“Yeah, Miss Know-It-All.” I untangle myself from behind her and stand.

“I’ll help you clean the kitchen,” Lace tells Shaina and stands too.

“Not much to do.” Shaina starts gathering abandoned dishes. “Just a few stray popcorn bowls to load into the dishwasher.”

“Happy to help,” Lace says.

I watch the women walk off, really liking the way they look together. Bryan rises too.

“Heading upstairs?” I ask him, arching a brow.


“Checking on Bo?” I ask, I’m a Mr. Know-It-All.

He nods.

“You’re a good dad, Bry.”

I call it like I see it. You don’t have to be perfect to be good, or at least I hope not.

“So are you, War.”

“I do all right with Shaina helping me,” I say, giving parental credit where it’s due. “I was lucky your mom let me come around growing up. When I don’t know what to do now, I follow her example.”

“I do that too.”

“Give her my love.” I try to remember the last time I went by the house Bryan bought his mother and realize it’s been a while.