Page 74 of Silent Tears

I slowly stand up from the chair, feeling a little dizzy. I grab onto the chair and place my hand over my growing stomach. It seems like every day that goes by, I get sicker and sicker, and it is driving me fucking crazy. And the worst part is I never know when it is coming, it just fucking happens, and it usually happens when I am trying to eat, or about to eat, or about to do something important for the clubs or casinos.

“Christian,” I whisper as my stomach starts to take a turn for the worst. He quickly turns around and looks at me as I release my hold from the chair and run towards the bathroom. I fall to my knees at the toilet and shove my head in just in time as the vomit comes up. I feel Christian’s hands grabbing my hair, pulling it out of the way as my stomach continues to turn. I swear I can’t keep anything fucking down anymore.

I hear him turn on the bath water. He doesn’t need to ask what I need. He just knows. He has always known. I don’t know why the fuck they call it morning sickness when it happens at all hours of the morning, afternoon, and night. They really need to fucking think about changing the name of that shit. It is misleading. They should call it all-day sickness.

I rest my head against the toilet for a moment as Christian wraps his arms around me, helping me stand. I lean against him for support as he leads me to the already-filling tub with bubbles and rose petals.

I slowly lower myself into the hot, steamy water, resting the back of my head against the tub. Christian kneels to the side of me, gently resting his hand on my growing belly. I look at him as I rest my hands on his. He has his gentle moments, but only with me. He is guarded and on edge when we are out in public, but I get it. He needs to be a certain way out there, and so do I.

In the privacy of our own home, he is gentle, kind, loving, passionate, and funny as all hell. He is always making me either smile or laugh by the things he does. Some days, I wake up, and for one second, I think I am back in the basement, and just as fast as the thought comes, it is replaced with reality, with Christian lying next to me, with him wrapped up around me, his hand usually resting against my growing bump.

“Bambino, what are you thinking about?” He asks softly.

“You, always you,” I confess without needing to think.

He is always the first person I think about when I wake up and the last person I think about when I go to bed. Even after all this time, the nightmares still take over sometimes, but just as fast, they are replaced with Christian. The nightmares have changed in the last few months in a way that I can’t really remember them. When I wake up, I am normally sweating or crying, but I can’t recall what the dream was. I think it is my mind’s way of protecting me, which I am grateful for.

“I think I have finally thought of the three names,” Christian says softly.

“Oh yeah?” I say softly, looking into his eyes.

He nods. “Yeah.”

“Tell me,” I whisper

He takes a deep breath. “How about Axel, Dy, and Tru?” He asks calmly.

I look over my husband’s face for a moment, letting the names sink in. I can tell he has been thinking long and hard about it. We have been throwing out names since the moment we found out we were pregnant, but picking out three names has been hard to do

“I love all of them, babe,” I whisper, feeling the tears starting to build in my eyes. It seems everything nowadays makes me cry or want to cry. It is the most annoying thing ever.

“Really, Bambino?” He asks in a hopeful voice, melting my heart. I am glad that no one else gets to see him like this. He is all mine in every fucking way, and I will do anything I have to to make sure that he remains mine and alive.



Ihold my wife’s hand tightly as we enter the conference room. She spent about an hour in the tub. She looks better, but I can tell she isn’t feeling that well, but she wanted to come to the meeting. She likes being involved, but now that she is pregnant, it makes me nervous and a little on edge when she works at the clubs or the casinos. Ty and I have been with her when she deals, just in case someone tries to do something stupid.

I look over at the shelf and see the two jars, making my heart skip a beat. I continue to guide Nicole to her chair, taking my eyes off the jars. My wife takes a seat at the head of the table. Ty is standing behind us, leaning against the wall. His arms are crossed over his chest as he watches me sit beside my wife.

The room is packed with all our men, all looking at me and my wife. We have been expanding with the clubs. We have been taking down more and more sex houses. We all have been busy and tired, but the work is never done, not in our world, not in my world. I need to try to make this a safer place for my boys. Nicole and I were shocked to find out that she was pregnant and that she was pregnant with triplets, all boys. God help my wife.

“We are here to make sure that everything is going according to plan. Soon, my wife will be giving birth to my sons, and when that does occur, Ty will be in charge, understood?” I say, looking around the large black marble table.

All the men nod, “Yes, Sir.”

‘Sir, we all have a question,“ one of the newer men says.

“What is the question?” I ask in a curious voice.

“Did you two finally choose names for your sons?” The man asks softly.

I smile and look at my wife. She sits back in her seat, her hands resting on her growing stomach.

“We have,” she replies softly.

“May we know?” Another man asks.