I drop his dick to the ground as I move to the next man.
Hair Man
The words that my wife told me about this man actually made me fucking gag. He told her he wanted her to live inside him. He is beyond fucking disgusting.
He took pieces of her that the others did not. I can’t fully explain it in words, but he marked her. They all fucking marked her. My wife is learning how to embrace those marks. Those marks they tried to use to fucking break her, but in the end, they made her stronger.
All the things these men did to her, instead of giving into their voices inside her mind, she is learning how to heal in her own way and move on, and I am here for all of it. I wish I could move on. I wish I could let it fucking go, but I can’t. I know there had to be hundreds of men that fucking raped her and used her and abused her in those three fucking years, and eventually I will fucking find them all.
But it will start with these motherfuckers. They will start it all, and they will be the first ones to fucking bleed and suffer by my hands. They used their dicks, hands, and words to fucking scar her, and now I will fucking scar them.
I stand in front of the ‘Hair Man.’ He is struggling more than the others, but he has already lost a lot of blood. He isn’t fucking going anywhere. I grab onto his dick and start to slice, feeling the rush of what I am doing running through my veins. Revenge is so fucking addicting, and I will be chasing this feeling for the rest of my life until I know I have killed every last one of them.
This world is a dangerous place. It is filled with darkness, but even the darkness is afraid of me, and with each man I kill, the darkness in me becomes more unhinged and uncontrolled. My wife loves the monster I am, and she will understand this newfound darkness inside me.
She is drawn to me just as much as I am to her. I can see it in her eyes; each day, she falls more in love with me, just like I do with her, and this will only increase our obsession with each other.
I drop the ‘Hair Man’s’ cock on the ground. I look down as the blood pours out from the wound. He will be dead soon enough, and he will suffer until the blackness finally takes him.
Gang Rape Men
Ty is standing in front of one of the last men who is hanging. These two fuckers and Sebastian made Nicole feel like she was broken. Now, it is their turn to know how broken they are. I look at Ty. He is staring at me, waiting for me to go first.
I look at the man hanging in front of me. I have been told that none of these men said they were sorry. They didn’t care what they took from my wife. To them, she was just another whore that they paid to use and abuse and take whatever they wanted.
Men like these have no idea what their actions do to the victims, the aftermath of what women like my wife have to go through to try and heal, and most women like my wife will never fully fucking heal. No matter how much time has passed since what happened, I know that my wife will never fully recover from what these men took from her and put her through.
I take a deep breath as I grab onto the man’s cock, Ty does the same to the other man, and we both start to slice at the same time.
It is time to get this over with; the sooner these fuckers die, the sooner I can get back to my wife.
This will not take away from my thirst for revenge. I don’t think that thirst will ever fucking go away, but at least I will be able to sleep at night knowing that these fuckers can’t hurt anyone else. They deserve to die like this, with no lips, tongues or dicks. They used their bodies to hurt others. They used their bodies to hurt my wife.
Now, it will be their bodies that betray them and cause them to enter into the blackness. The body can’t survive without a certain amount of blood, and all of these fuckers are losing too much.
Ty and I both allow the knives to fall out of our hands as we step back, dropping their cocks to the ground.
“You know what to do. Make sure you leave each of their bodies on the front steps of their homes.”
“Yes sir,” one of my men answers.
“Ty, let’s get the fuck out of here.”
I quickly turn around, grab my jacket, and walk out of the room. My men know what to do next, and it is time I get home to my wife. I fucking hate being away from her.
It is time to start a life together, a real life.
And this is just the beginning of the blood on the streets.
This whole fucking world will soon find out who the fuck I am and what lengths I am willing to go for my wife.
Three Months Later
Ilook over at Christian while he gets our plates of food. He is wearing a black button-up shirt. The buttons are undone in the front, showing off his branding, scars, and tattoos. His sleeves are pulled up past his elbows, showing off his arm flexing as he does his thing, making me smile.