"Lasagna?" Josephine was trying to peek in the bags before making it to the counter.
“I am making lasagna.” He seemed more confident to her. It wasn't that he wasn't confident, but something about how he had carried himself since he surprised her at the pool made him feel more confident.
"Since when are you a chef?" He chuckled at her question, and she watched him turn to walk into the kitchen. She followed behind him and watched him move around, looking for things. Eventually, they had gotten everything he needed, and he waited for her to sit and relax. He poured her a glass of wine, rolled up his button-up sleeves, and got to work.
"How is the club doing?" Josephine ran her finger around the rim of her wine glass. His eyes focused on the food he was preparing while her eyes were studying him.
"Great! We have the Lock and Key party coming up. I was meeting with the promoter about that today." He was finally layering the lasagna to prep it for the oven, and Josephine seemed to lean further over to inspect what he was doing.
"I am sorry I haven't made it down there yet, but maybe I can come and do some promoting of my own with a few model friends when this is all over." Josephine watched him pause at her words.
"This is not an I help you, and you pay me back favor, Josie. This is me just showing up for you because you asked me to. Like always." He seemed almost irritated at the thought of being paid back by her. "You are always welcome to visit and have a great time."
"Just visiting for fun it is, then." She wanted him to know it was not a friendship based on favors. He seemed to think that was what she was implying they were now, and that could not be further from the truth. He finished layering the lasagna and popped it into the oven. Josephine watched him walk around behind her as he hugged her from behind at the shoulders. He rested his chin on her head, and she leaned back.
"I missed you, Josie."
"I missed you too." She did. Nothing made her feel better than having him around in person to talk about things, to vent to, and to scream and cry when everything was falling apart for him to make her laugh and put it back together.
They spent the next two hours catching up, eating dinner, exchanging looks neither could place from the other, and drinking all the wine. Eventually, when everything was loaded in the dishwasher and cleaned up from the cooking mess, they would head their separate way for the night when he pulled her in for one last hug. Josephine took the deepest breath she could muster to cling to his scent, a mixture of ocean, sandalwood, and sage. He looked down at her, and her stomach started fluttering. Something in her seemed to move her of her own accord when she lightly turned his cheek and slowly kissed him. It was as if the air was sucked out of her lungs. She patted his shoulder awkwardly and moved to get behind her bedroom door as fast as possible. She swore she heard him chuckle as the door clicked shut.
"What was that?!" She whispered, screamed to herself as she dropped on her poofy bed. "This is about to be a long week."
Sleep came easier to Josephine than it had in months. She had her best friend just down the hall for the first time in years, and it felt right to have him there. She made her way out of bed around ten o'clock and got ready in a comfy yet casual outfit for brunch, but when she got out of the kitchen, there was a note on the counter.
I had to head out for another meeting this morning. I thought it was something that could wait until I was back at work, but things got a little crazy. I will be back in time for dinner tonight. You can fill me in on everything I need to know then.
Josephine no longer wondered why he had let her sleep in so late that morning. He had left her there with barely an explanation. She was happy he did not bail out of town after that awkward goodnight moment. She spent most of the day cleaning and shooting off e-mails when a text came in.
Sorry about this morning. Bringing home tacos. Get your favorite. See you soon.
Something about him saying he was bringing something home sent her heart and mind on overdrive. It had barely been a day, and she loved having him with her. She loved the calmness he seemed to radiate and the happiness she felt in his presence. She shut down any feelings for him when Macy entered the picture, but she was worried they would make an appearance at any moment.
All good. See you soon.
She pulled out plates and silverware for dinner and lit a few candles on the counter to set a comfortable ambiance. She was trying to make it comfortable and yet not romantic, but it all felt a little too romantic for her. There was a knock on the door when she was about to blow out the candles. She left them because Steven would know if she had blown them out to adjust things. He was always too observant for her liking, but it was how he wound up knowing everything about her so well.
"How was work?" She heard how that sounded after she asked it.
"It was great, dear. How was your day?" He chuckled while holding out the food bag and waiting for her to take it.
"I am not sure how I feel about 'dear.' could we find another name to use before tomorrow?" Josephine felt her nose scrunch up and took the bag from him.
"Babe, baby, love, darling," He was listing things off now, trying to find one that seemed to roll off his tongue, "pudding."
"Absolutely not!" Josephine laughed as she plated the food, "Babe or love is fine. Simple to remember, and I called you Babe so much in high school that I am sure it will return to natural."
"You called me a babe?"
"No, I called you Babe, not a babe. There is a big difference."
"I bet you called me a babe." He kept joking about it. Josephine relented to rolling her eyes at him. She slid the plate across the counter to him before sitting next to him on a stool.
"So, a few people you need to know about. My boss, Stella, has a big personality and an even more straightforward attitude. She is cautious of who she talks to, so try not to let anything seem like you are prodding." Josephine took a bite and wiped her mouth with a napkin.