"A level-up plan, basically." Javier took a sip from his drink and started typing things, supposedly notes, on his phone.

"Two other events would be the Royal Beach Bash and the Saints and Sinners weekend." Steven is trying to remember everything they did the year before, but he was also insanely wasted for the latter half of last Summer. Macy had come out and stomped on his heart, chewed it up, and spit it back at him.

"Easy." Javier waved Steven off with that and kept tapping away. Javier started talking, and Steven grumbled through everything without paying attention. After Javier's attention drifted back to the waitress, Steven took that as a sign that he could sign off.

"If we are all settled here, then I will let you attend to," Steven gestured at the waitress staring and flirting from across the room, "that, and I have another meeting to get to."

"I will be in touch with you about the events." Javier waved him off.

"Make sure to send them to Mandi as well." Steven pushed his chair in and quickly buttoned his jacket up before going out to the pool.

Josie laughed and posed while the people around her directed her. He watched her for a few minutes before letting out his signature whistle. Steven watched her posture change. She tightened up and started looking around the pool until she made eye contact with him. She moved so fast that she tripped over a chair, causing Steven to bite his lip to try to hide the laughter. A small woman chased her, trying to help, when he watched her push them off.

"I thought you had a meeting today!" The small woman caught up with her and gave her a wrap to cover up her beautiful body. Those hazel eyes hit Steven, and he felt like he couldn't breathe.

"I did, and it went well. It was also just inside, so I figured I would come and check out my fiancé, the professional model, out here at the pool." He felt the grin spread over his face, and she seemed to glow brighter at his words. She was right there before him, and he felt nervous for the first time with her.

"I have to finish up one more quick round of shots. Have you already checked into your hotel?" With the last question, Steven almost stopped breathing.

"I was under the impression I was staying with my fiancé, but I can get a room if you would feel more comfortable." Steven watched Josie's eyes widen, and she seemed to falter momentarily.

"Of course, you are staying with me! I just was not sure since you got in early." She pulled him in for a kiss on the cheek and a long hug. Her body pressed against his gave him a new kind of reaction to her that he had not experienced before.

"I will just wait for you and take you back to the apartment." He rubbed her arms and pulled her back for another quick hug, "Now go finish this shoot so we can get out of here."

Steven watched her work and could not help but admire her dedication and ease of being comfortable in her own skin. He rarely saw women who could do that. There was always something in their eyes that told the world they were worried about one aspect or another, but the confidence she was wearing had something else spreading through him.

Steven realized he was seeing what every other guy friend he had was seeing this entire time. He saw her as his best friend, confidant, and go-to person. He would call her to complain about Macy, about the short-term women, and to bitch about his day. Watching her and being with her in that moment, something sparked. Steven was instantly questioning if he were attracted to the one person he swore he would never let himself be drawn to.

He barely noticed when she walked back up to him, "Listen, they want to try to get one more set in. Could I meet you at the house in an hour or so? I will send you the address."

"Yeah," Steven fidgeted, hoping she did not notice what was happening in his mind, "I know you weren't expecting me, so I will give you some extra time to clean up the apartment." He smiled at her, and her jaw dropped a little bit.

"I have no clue what you are talking about. My place is always clean!" She tried to keep herself from laughing at how defensive she got. Steven knew her too well for that.

"Oh, I am sure it is as clean as can be, but in the off chance it isn't, I will see you in an hour." He laughed and waved his phone at her, walking away.

"Give me an hour and a half!" She shouted at him, and he gave a quick turn and shrugged at her before disappearing inside.

Steven returned to the house, realizing that he still knew her just as well as he did in high school. Something about that fact eased things for him. He was sure they would not be as in sync with one another as they were then, but they were. He got in his car and let out a breath he did not even know he had been holding in while standing in her presence.

Steven drove around for an hour running random errands that did not need to be done and had a few bags from stores with him. Some were groceries, things he thought she would want, and some were just random items acquired while killing time. Steven had a pile of random bags on top of his luggage when he pulled up. He did not even have time to beep the horn when he noticed her coming out of her house in sleep shorts and a cut-off top with her blonde hair up in a messy bun, looking more like herself than the woman he caught up with at the Biltmore.

He took a deep breath, let a genuine smile grace his features, and exited the car, ready for anything that would happen during the trip.

Chapter five


Josephinefeltshewouldpass out when she saw him leave his car at her apartment. She was not prepared to have him in her space, which she felt was still not tidied up enough, and sacrificing himself for this week. He grabbed a few grocery bags from the back and pulled out his luggage. His muscles showed through his open suit jacket and slightly unbuttoned shirt.

He stopped walking in front of her, and she felt herself moving to kiss his cheek and pulled his hand inside. At that moment, she was a little off-kilter trying to make everything more her. The place they had stepped into was bright and had barely any extra decorations. It was extremely bare, and she knew he was thinking so, too.

"So, tomorrow, I was thinking we could do our brunch, and you could fill me in on the events we have to survive as a couple." He set his stuff down next to the couch, and Josephine scrambled to grab it and lug it down the hallway.

"Brunch tomorrow sounds perfect. I want to go to the beach as well!" She was talking through the walls as she set his things down, silently beating herself up. "I have nothing for dinner since I didn't plan on you being here until tomorrow."

"I said I would have dinner in hand," Josephine said as he walked back into the main living area, pointing at the bags on the counter. "I did not disappoint."