Josephinelookedattheroses the delivery guy was holding out to her. They were stunning. The card's envelope had beautiful silver foil around the outside. The ribbon that was tied to it was a silver one and a light blue one. The dozens of roses smelled amazing as the breeze blew their scent into the house. The large vase was filled with water and gorgeous shimmering beads at the bottom.
"Ma'am, are you going to take them?" The tall, lanky teenager was holding them a little closer to her. Josephine held her arms out and gripped them tightly as they were placed in her arms. They were heavier than she expected, and the vase weighed more than it looked like it would, too.
"Sorry." Her voice was barely above a whisper. "Thank you." She clung them tightly to her chest and slammed the door with her foot. She knew where they came from, and she knew what they meant. Her hands were shaking as she pulled the envelope from the top. She did not want to open it yet. She set the envelope down in front of her on the counter. She leaned on her elbows over it. She slapped her hands down and stood up straight, still staring at it.
"Nope. Not doing it." Josephine walked to the fridge and pulled a bottle of water out. She took a long drink before looking back over her shoulder at the unopened envelope. "Nope. Not giving in just because he sent me flowers." She realized she was talking to herself and went to the couch. She flipped on a show and then changed it four minutes in. She did that for about thirty minutes until she stood up and walked back over to the solitary envelope. She tapped her fingers and finally picked it up.
"I should make some food for Lucas and me." She started pureeing some different foods for Lucas. She was getting it into packets and organizing everything when she noticed a splotch on the envelope. She grumbled and wiped it off. She tapped the bottom of the sealed card on the counter. She tossed it back down and started making some food for herself. She settled on spaghetti. It was simple and easy.
Josephine stared again and almost caved when she heard Lucas cry out for her from his room. She walked out of the room and away from the temptation of the envelope. She had a guess as to what could be inside. Her mind flipped back to the Friday after prom weekend.
Steven showed up with his jersey on. He was solo, and she was happy. She sat on the porch with a book in her hand. The lights wrapped around the porch in a beautiful low setting, and the flowers climbed the trellis behind her. He had red, yellow, and pink roses in hand, with a silver and light blue bow around them. He had a card in his hand, and my eyes narrowed at him.
"Josie. I know I shouldn't have taken off with Macy after the dance. I screwed up." Steven held the flowers out for her. He shook them slowly back and forth in front of her.
"Yes, you did." Josephine put her finger between the pages and closed the book around it. "Let me see the note." Josephine gave up and closed the book, hoping to find her place later.
Roses are red, violets are blue, you stole my heart, let me steal yours too.
"I stole your heart?" Josephine was whispering out at him.
"Well, yeah. You stole it when we were little. You are the only one who knows everything about me, and you hold onto my heart so I don't get hurt. I want to be the one protecting your heart, too." Josephine was about to respond when Steven's phone rang, "Hold on, it's Mace."
"Oh," Josephine let the tiny shred of hope go. She realized he meant she was protecting him as his best friend. She set the card down and the flowers on top of it. She opened the book, scouring for her spot in it. "Go ahead. Get it."
She knew Steven could tell she was irritated, yet he still answered the phone. Josephine shooed him off the porch so she did not have to listen to the call. A few minutes later, Josephine looked up, and Steven was watching her.
"Sorry. She was wondering when I would be there to pick her up for Tony's party." Josephine felt the sharp pain in her chest. She knew he did not feel the same way he did, but for a moment, she hoped. That hope just about crushed her where she sat on the swing.
"Well, you don't want to keep her waiting." She knew her words were bitter and angry.
"Josie, I don't like when we fight." He stood directly in front of me, stopping the swing with his knees.
"Neither do I, but I am really angry with you." Josephine knew she was overreacting. She knew that they were not more than friends, but she wanted him to have the same reactions to her that she had to him.
"Please, Josie. I need my best friend." Steven's eyes filled her with butterflies. "I might be with Mace, but she will never take the place of my best friend."
"Steven. She and I do not get along, and you know that. So, why would you want to be with someone who does not want your best friend around and someone that I personally don't want to be anywhere near?" Josephine got frustrated and stood up, so they were chest to chest. "I love you, Steven," She let the words hang in the air long enough to confuse him, "but doing this to me is not okay. You knew when it happened, this wouldn't end well."
"What happened with you two?" Steven was as clueless as it came.
"Nothing for you to worry about, but if you are willing to end up separated from me, then fine. Go for it." Josephine shoved him back and started to walk away. "I am mad, but I forgive you. I always forgive you." Then she turned around for her flowers and card. "Thank you for these."
"You're welcome." Steven kissed her forehead and let her walk away. "Love you too, Josie."
Josie shook her head and pulled herself back to reality. She changed Lucas and brought him out to his play area. She sat with him on the floor for a little while, studying all of the little things that were a reflection of Steven. She was lucky. Her best friend was the father of her child. He was the product of love. While it was not the kind of love that she expected to blossom at any point, it happened, and she was given the most beautiful gift she had ever been given.
After another hour, she finally caved and opened up the letter. She had the card still flipped over, but she knew what was coming.
Roses are red, violets are blue, you stole my heart, let me steal yours too. For real, this time. -Steven
She felt herself take in a deep gasp. Even though she knew what would be written there, she still could not believe what was in front of her on the piece of paper. She missed a lot about Steven and his friendship, and she knew he missed a lot when it came to Lucas.
Lucas was staring at her from the television as she went over all of the things Steven had missed. His commercial was the cutest thing to grace television screens, at least in her opinion. He had been a fortunate baby. Not only did she make money modeling on her own, but she also made money modeling with her son and letting him have his own little bit of fame. She wanted to make sure that no matter what, Lucas would never have to worry about the cost of anything. She wanted to make sure his future was secure. She never did anything that would be exploitative, but just enough to get him a good little savings. Her career got them the house of her dreams.
She wondered if Steven had ever seen him on the television. She wondered if he would recognize Lucas now that he got the chance to meet him. Would he be proud of them? Would he be proud of her? It was weird for her to think about. She never wanted someone to be outwardly proud of her before Lucas. She knew he would be proud of her one day. He would grow up and be grateful for everything his mom did for him while he was young.
"What do you think, Lucas? Should Mama call Dada?" She looked at the little boy and touched his cheek while he sat there hanging onto his toy. She picked him up to hold onto him while he stood. He was close to ten months old and growing so quickly. He was pretty advanced with certain things, and it was humbling. She was not sure how she was so lucky. She also never thought she would be staring at a little baby, thinking he was her whole world.