"Mamamama." He had only said it a few times, but it made her smile brightly every time he said it to her.
"That's right, baby boy. I am your Mama." Josephine eased him back to sitting. "Should I call Dada?" Josephine held up her phone to show him, and he giggled at her. Josephine put the phone back down and decided that playing with their son seemed like the better option for the day. She knew he would want to hear her forgive him, and he would like to establish some ground rules.
"I feel better without the rules right now, honey. Let's make Dada wait for a while longer." Josephine sat next to her son. She decided to cuddle and watch a bunch of movies. She sang along to some of the songs. A couple of the movies played, with the commercials loading up occasionally. She loved pointing out to Lucas when he was there. She would giggle and be incredibly proud. She would tell him how proud she was time and time again.
"What do you think we should do today, Bubba?" Josephine stretched out and decided it was time to stop moping around the house. She knew her son needed to be out and about. Her pity parties were not worth dragging his life into a slow crawl for. He deserved her at her very best, no matter what. Any sadness she felt could wait for naptimes or bedtimes. She was meant to be happy for her son during all awake time. She decided they would be heading out to the zoo. She got him dressed for a zoo day, pulled herself together for a zoo day, and then loaded up the diaper bag. Seeing animals would make both of them smile.
"Alright! I think we have everything we need. Let's get going!" Just as they were going to walk out to the car, there was a knock on the door. She flung the bag over her shoulder and opened the door to find Steven on the other side.
Chapter eighteen
Stevenstoodinhisoffice, pacing back and forth. He was trying to figure out what to do next when he realized how long it had been. He turned on the television and let a gameplay in the background. He needed the distraction. He would lose his mind if he didn't have one, wondering if he had just made things worse by trying to contact her.
He made it through a batch of e-mails and phone calls about things happening at the Key West location, some people causing security issues, some bar problems that needed to be addressed, and some plans for events that needed to be fine-tuned, but he was moving on to problems with the current location. He thought he handled everything earlier, but there are always issues when construction and design are involved. One significant matter causes five smaller ones when dealing with a business. He was putting out fires left and right when his head of security walked in and brought up that he had a visitor who, while banned, was refusing to leave the property.
"Give me one minute to call the police before you let her in here," Steven called the police and told them about Macy's situation. He wanted her removed almost as soon as she walked through the office doors. The police sent a car to escort her off the property, and it would arrive shortly.
"Okay, bring her in." The head of security smirked at him, knowing how this was about to go. "Stay in here with us when you bring her in."
"Understood." The tall, burly mountain disappeared behind the doors and appeared five minutes later with a very angry-looking Macy.
"Why am I being told I can have no contact with you? They were not going to let me in here." Macy was disheveled and outraged by the whole interaction.
"Because you are not allowed on any of my properties, Mace. I told you enough times I was done with it, and you chose not to believe me. Well," Steven gestured around the office, "here we are." He dropped his arms and caught sight of the baby on screen over Macy's head.
Macy swiveled to look at the screen and turned back to him with a large and crazy grin, "I can give you one of those."
Steven looked at the screen and realized it was Lucas. He smiled but then lost his smile when his gaze met Macy's. "I already have a child, Mace. That child, actually." Steven went to pull out his phone and text Josie, but he stopped himself.
"No, you don't." Macy looked furious at this point. "That is just some kid modeling for a commercial. The chances that you know him are astronomically low."
"Actually, they are pretty high when I know his mother is a model." Steven searched his memories of billboards, buses, commercials, shows, and movies for other times he may have spotted his child without realizing it. At that point, he knew he had seen Josie and Lucas in ads together. He did not realize it was Lucas at the time, but he could see it now that he knew it was their kid.
"You are so full of it." Macy moved closer. "Come on, baby. Don't you miss this? Don't you miss us?"
"Macy, I have never wanted to…" Steven stepped back and smiled when he caught sight of the squad car pulling up, "Tell you to get out more than I do right now. Josephine would not appreciate you being near me, and Stacey outright hates you. So, if I were you, I would leave on my own before I was dragged out by police."
Macy scoffed, her jaw hitting the floor. "What does precious Josephine have to do with anything?" she said. Then she looked at the television and back at him. "No way did you knock up that idiot."
"She is not an idiot." Steven felt his face redden in anger. "She is the mother of my child, and I did not knock her up… I got her pregnant. No need to be so crass all the time." Steven sat in his chair behind his desk and put his feet up, waiting for the door to open to the police.
"She should have listened to me in high school about you," Macy growled out, and before Steven could ask what she meant, the police walked into the office and took her out in cuffs for trespassing, harassment, and she added aggravated assault when they watched her throw a vase at him before they could cuff her. She put up a hell of a fight when they dragged her out, but Steven had no regrets.
"Sir, if everything is all settled here, we want to make sure you are certain about pressing charges." The young officer must have felt pity for her. She kept looking at the woman yelling in the car.
"I am sure. She followed me up from the Keys. I have no desire to deal with someone who has followed me from one business location to another." Steven's words seemed to resonate with the officer.
"Have a good day, Sir." The officer gave him a pitying glance and walked out.
It was almost lunch when Stacey popped back in. "I hope I am not interrupting, but I was told something about an unhinged woman being taken away in a police car?" She looked around and saw the shattered vase. "Tell me you did not have Josie arrested and are stashing the kid somewhere."
"No!" Steven started laughing at her, "What is wrong with you?" He picked up the large chunks and chucked them in the garbage bin behind him. "Mace showed up again. I warned her she was not allowed on the properties, and she persisted. So, I had her forcibly removed, she threw a vase, and she got an extra charge from it. Now, she is in jail."
"Wait. You pressed charges?" Stacey started belly laughing. She was close to tears. "That is the best thing I have ever heard in my life!"
"I knew you would be thrilled." Steven bit his lip and looked down to keep from laughing as hard as she was. "Sad you missed her epic rant?"