Page 137 of Save Her from Me

My heart skipped a beat. “No. I mean, I don’t ever want you to sleep anywhere else. God.”

Jackson stopped. “What are ye saying?”

I flushed hot, so inexperienced with this but also utterly sure. “Move in with me.”

He swallowed, and my insistence built.

“Move in. Bring the rest of your things. Share the space with me and make it your home, too.” I rounded the car to get to him. Ran my arms around him and peeked up. “You’ve been living on and off here for years. If you hadn’t been so stubborn at the start, we’d already be there.”

He tutted, emotion bright in his eyes.

I smiled bigger. “Oh, and my brother said something to me earlier about you and dragons. That you had his approval to turn his old bedroom into a stable for them. I’ve no idea what he’s talking about, but I imagine it’s linked to the one that’s buddied up to my fox. If it gets you to say yes, I’m down. Bring on the dragons. Bring on anything it takes.”

“An old hobby,” he confessed.

“How about you bring that old hobby into a new life with me?”

The emotion was replaced with humour as he gazed down at me in utter and compelling love. “If you’re sure?”

“One hundred percent. I’ve never been so certain about anything as I am about you. But I also need something back.” I held up my locket. “This has been empty for too long. I want a twist of your hair to go in here so I’m carrying it around with me everywhere.”

Finally, he released his smile. It used to be so rare, but now he wore it often.

“Yes, I’ll move in. I don’t ever want to be apart from ye again. And if ye want something for your locket, I’ll paint ye a pretty little fox.”

He boosted me onto the bonnet and kissed me.

I knew where his mind was at: That somehow, he was the lucky one. But as far as I was concerned, Jackson had given me everything, and it was him I’d treasure, and every memory I’d made with him, I’d forever save.



Under the hot stream of water, I scrubbed shampoo into my hair, letting the suds roll down the long lengths and over my chest.

I was pissed off with myself and trying to work out what the hell was wrong with me.

The previous evening, in the pub in the village, a woman had come on strong with me. She’d been a pretty lass, a local but not too close, and she’d given green lights all over the place.

I’d bought her a drink. Left my table to chat with her at the bar.

Then at the last moment, I’d got spooked and told her I was engaged. She went running, the smile turning into a sneer—and rightly so.

What the fuck was up with me?

My neglected balls ached for release.

I was a free man and down to fuck, but I’d been unable to seal the deal.

Maybe it was the fact that both Ben and Jackson were stupidly in love and I was sworn off relationships, so the reminder was right there in my face, generating violent dislike every time I witnessed it. Additionally, my brother was pissing me off more with his frequent attempts to talk. He’d led by asking about my ex.

Really, Ben?

Way to focus on the very last person I wanted to talk about.

I didn’t care about Kelly anymore, even if I’d never managed to shake the betrayal of what she’d done. But I also couldn’t deny that some part of me was broken now.

I’d wanted a wife. A marriage and kids and a nice house to make into a home.