Page 136 of Save Her from Me

Dad sat in his office with Willow and Azrael on either side of him. All smiled, my father’s expression carefully serene.

Tension strung me up tight. Who knew where his mind was at.

“Ariel, my daughter,” he said.

I resisted the urge to let my jaw drop. No searching for my brothers, no disappointment that it was only me.

“I came across a discovery I thought would interest you,” he continued. “Your mother left jewellery here. Some of it was your grandmother’s, originating in Scotland. Pretty pieces, things I believe you’d like and which would suit you. By rights, that now belongs to you.”

At my lack of words, because I was truly speechless, Dad continued.

“Willow has it for safekeeping and has even spent some time cleaning it. You can organise with her to have it sent on. Azrael, greet your sister.”

My brother gave a shy wave and chatted on about a little league club he’d joined.

I didn’t believe for a minute my father had turned a corner, but neither of my brothers had been in clubs, and I had been forbidden from playing sports.

I smiled at Azrael’s telling, realising now that’s probably why I’d signed up to work for Effie so readily and spent my life outdoors and on the slopes.

After a few minutes of small talk, Willow and Azrael left the room.

My father regarded me. “There are many things I regret in life. You were never one of them, until recently. I was too hasty with you, daughter. And too tough on your brothers, I recognise. All of it, I did out of love for my family and a desire to continue our name. You might not see that now, or understand my methods, but in future, when you have a family of your own, I believe you’ll understand me better. I’ll leave off by saying now that if ever you want to join the family fold and return to being a West, the door is wide open. You’d be as welcome as your brothers. More so, perhaps. I see the apple didn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to you.”

Stunned, I dipped my head, acknowledging the compliment. I wasn’t about to thank him, but a sense of relief broke over me.

We ended the call, and I looked at Daisy.

“New future as a mob queen?” she asked with a head tilt.

I cracked up, needing the release of laughter like I never had before. Holy shit.

The final piece had fallen into place, and now all I needed was Jackson back with me again.

An hour later, he returned with my Mini, this time bringing Ben up with him instead of my brother. I’d already messaged my family group to tell them what happened with our father, my brothers just as shocked as I’d been. I knew from Jackson’s expression that Raphael had told him.

He came to me and dipped me backwards, stealing a kiss. “Proud of ye.”

He loved on my lips for as long as was appropriate with an audience, then righted me, a self-satisfied grin on his gorgeous face.

In Ben’s arms, Daisy regarded us. “Dinner at ours? We finally have enough kitchen equipment and plates to offer a meal with.”

With a quick check for Jackson’s agreement, I smiled, buoyant with the ability to go on a date like this. The new normal looked mighty fine. “We’d love to.”

The four of us descended the spiral steps of Castle McRae’s tower.

“I meant to ask,” I said to Daisy. “Did you ever hear back from Mia?”

Her expression brightened in animation. “Yes! I meant to say. She took up the offer for temporary accommodation and should be arriving soon, with her daughter coming a couple of days later. I have my very first staff member!”

I congratulated her, and they climbed into Ben’s car and set off.

Jackson offered me the keys to my Mini. I took them, delighted to have my car back.

Over the bonnet, he spoke to me. “What Daisy didn’t say regarding her new staff member was that Mia will be moving into the bunkhouse for a few days.”

I blinked, wondering how that setup would work. Then again, it had several beds in both of the sleeping quarters, and a roof over her head was maybe all she needed to get away from her unhappy life.

“I know I haven’t slept there since,” he gestured between us, indicating our shacking up, “but I wanted to check you’re happy for me to stay at the tower for a while longer. That means she just has to share the communal space with Valentine, rather than two men she doesn’t know. I think she’ll feel safer, but if you’d rather have time to yourself, I’ll sleep on Raphael’s floor.”